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Allison's POV

As morning came around I did my normal morning routine and when I saw it was 8 AM I put the ski mask and the actual mask back on. I made the bed before hearing a knock on the door. I went opening it as I saw a taller, older man holding a barbed wire bat.

"Hi I'm Negan." He said with charisma. "May I?" He asked as I moved out the way letting him in.

I watched him walk in and I closed the door behind me. I went and sat across from him in a chair. I was about to write something when he stopped me.

"My men aren't outside. You're free to take your mask off and talk sweetheart." He says leaning his bat against the couch.

I sighed as I took the mask and ski mask off looking at Negan. "Better?" I asked.

"Holy shit. I did not take the Angel of Death to be a woman." He says chuckling.

"Well now you know." I tell him taking in his features. He was very handsome and very egotistical.

"What brings you here? You haven't came around since I became leader. You must know something I will like." He tells me.

"There's a community about three hours from here by car. Heavy armory and surplus of food. It's called Alexandria. Their leader is ruthless willing to kill anyone to get what he wants or if he feels threatened." I explained keeping a straight face.

"How do you know this?" Negan asked suspiciously.

"I came from there. I was the head of security." I say emotionless.

"Jesus girl. Who hurt you to make you come to me? I mean I'm flattered but concerned." He tells me. "Come on let's go to my room for a drink." He says standing up grabbing his bat leading me out and down a few doors.

I followed not bothering with my mask as I trusted his word. I walked in and looked around. It was big and almost felt like home. I closed the door behind me before going to sit on the couch.

"Drink?" He asked.

"Whiskey please" I said as I took in my surroundings.

He walked back to the couches handing me the drink as I thanked him. I watched him sit across from on another couch.

"Now I know you got an angel face but you must have a real name other than Angel of Death." He says with an amusing smirk.

"Allison. Allison Grimes." I tell him taking a sip wincing at the burn down my throat. "And you're the famous Negan I assume." I say with an amusing expression.

"Tell me your story Allison." He says as I watched his eyes move over my body before returning to my eyes.

"Which one? Before or after the world went to shit?" I asked moving my eyes over his body taking in every detail as well before looking at his eyes.

"Let's just go with after the world went to shit." He chuckles as he took a sip of his drink.

"My brother's best friend saved me from Atlanta being blown up. We thought my brother was dead until he showed up after a run into the city. We reunited and headed to the CDC. The same brother's best friend sexually assaulted me at the CDC in a drunken state but my ex he comforted me and made me feel safe. We tried to go to Fort Benning but broke down on the interstate losing a little girl. We went looking for her but my nephew got shot so we ended up on a farm. A lot happened there, the little girl we looked for was dead and a walker, my nephew recovered from his gun shot, we were threatened by a bigger group and we kept a man hostage, my brother's best friend knocked me unconscious then tried to kill both my brother and I. I killed him by stabbing him in the chest and my brother exiled me. My ex tried to get me to stay but I had to divert a herd away from them. I ran like hell for miles and hid in the trunk of a car until that herd passed by. I drove North for four days and ran into Alexandria. They took me in made me head of security and screened all new comers. I then picked up the persona of Angel of Death because I killed people in exchange for supplies. I quit a few months ago and then my brother's group showed up at the gates. I took them in along with my ex." I paused not knowing I was crying. I took a deep breath before starting. "I slept with my ex and then both my brother and my ex decided to ruin me so now I had to bring the Angel of Death back out. I told them they would regret it and ran off coming here." I say seeing him look sympathetic. "You don't need to give me any sympathy. It happened and now I'm here looking for your help to return the pain I have been feeling since the start of the end of the world." I told him. "It doesn't have today or tomorrow but it would benefit in the future."

Negan looked as if he was thinking about it before looking at me. "And what do I get in return?" He asked.

"What do you want in return?" I asked him.

He leaned forward leaning his arms on his knees. "You as one of my wives and my inside person in Alexandria."

"I can do the inside person part but there's only going to be one wife. If you want this to work I suggest you take my deal or I walk out of here and tell them where your satellite outpost is." I say leaning forward mimicking him. "Choose wisely."

"Fine you will be the only wife and my right hand person who's also my inside person." Negan says standing up holding his hand out. "Do we have a deal?"

I stood up shaking his hand. "We have a deal." I smile. "Now as much as I would love to stay here. I do need to get back to Alexandria." I said starting to walk towards the door.

"Wait." Negan says before grabbing a walkie talkie and handing it to me. "This is a long distance walkie. Use it every night and give me updates."

I nodded as I took the walkie talkie putting it on my belt. "I can do that." I told him as I looked up at him seeing how close we were.

"You gonna give your husband a kiss before leaving." He teases as I leaned in giving him a soft kiss.

I pulled away. "I have to go." I said as I walked out.

"Tell Simon you want to go back to the satellite outpost now. I'll let him know now." Negan tells me.

I nodded as I walked in the room putting my ski mask and normal mask on. I wrote on a piece of paper 'Satellite Outpost. Please.'

I found Simon and tapped him on the shoulder showing him the piece of paper.

"Let's go." Simon says heading to the truck before we both got in driving back to the satellite outpost.

After a few hours he stopped in front of the outpost handing my weapons before he drove off. I walked back into the woods taking the path I took. After a couple hours I arrived back at the hole putting the masks and jacket in it covering it again.

I slipped in through the cracks of the wall and jumped my fence before entering the back door of my house. I could hear someone messing with the lock on my front door. I opened it seeing Rick and Daryl.

"Whatever it is it's going to wait until tomorrow." I said as I closed the door again before I headed upstairs and into my room. I took the walkie talkie out of my bag before I turned it on. "Negan I made it back safely."

"That's good to hear sweetheart. Get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow night." I heard him through the walkie.

"Good night Negan." I say as I turned off the walkie talkie putting it back in my bag.

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