𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓

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Allison's POV

As I woke up the next morning I felt arms around me still as I looked up seeing Negan. He was peaceful and seeing him like this brought me happiness. This is what I wanted in a relationship and damn I got it.

"Mornin' sweetheart." He says opening his eyes smiling at me.

"Morning Negan." I said as I sat up giving him a kiss.

He smiled as he kissed me back before I pulled away. "I'm going to take a shower. You wanna join?" I asked.

"Go ahead sweetheart. I'll call someone to get your stuff and bring it here for your hunt. Go wash up." He tells me.

I smiled giving him one more kiss before I get up heading to the bathroom closing the door behind me. Negan had an extra toothbrush brushing my teeth before I looked in the mirror seeing I had bruises on my neck from last night. I smirked before spitting out the toothpaste into the sink before turning the shower on.

I stepped in as I washed my hair quickly and washed my body. I was still sore but it was better today. I turned the shower off and grabbed the towel drying my body then my hair. I got out of the shower brushing my hair out.

I walked out of the bathroom in a towel seeing an outfit that was new and my hunting stuff along with a bullet proof vest. I smiled seeing a note on top of all of it. I grabbed it reading the note.

Here is what you asked for plus a new outfit for you. I told my men to let you go out into the woods and not to follow. If it becomes longer than two days I will search for you.
Love, Negan

I smiled before putting the outfit on and my mask on.

(Allison's Outfit and Mask)

(Allison's Outfit and Mask)

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I put my jacket on putting the note in my pocket before I headed down to the front

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I put my jacket on putting the note in my pocket before I headed down to the front. I looked outside to see Dwight watching over Daryl working.

I walked down the steps and past the walkers towards the woods where I could see Glenn, Abraham and Shane waiting for me. I shook my head walking past them as I headed into the woods making my way towards the highway.

Once I hit the highway I ducked down seeing a herd not far from where I was. I saw a car jump starting it as I smiled heading towards the coast.

"You know what's crazy Allison? You seeing us right now." Shane said as I looked in the rearview mirror seeing the three of them.

"I told you to protect Maggie and you let that asshole kill me." Glenn says.

"Shit I thought we were friends Allison." Abraham said.

"You guys aren't real." I said looking into the mirror before I looked back at the road.

"No shit Alli. We're dead because of you." Shane says.

"Look at us." Glenn said.

"Look at us." Abraham said

"Look at us!" All three of them yelled before I looked at them with tears in my eyes. I saw Glenn and Abraham crushed in skulls and Shane's stab wound. I let out a sob before I looked back before swerving hitting a walker and flipping the car I was in. I blacked out losing consciousness.

After a long while my eyes slowly opened as I saw everything was upside down including myself. I groan softly touching my head wincing as I saw blood on my hand. I unbuckled my seatbelt and groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my side seeing a large piece of glass sticking out of me.

"Damn that looks like it hurts." Abraham said. "You should get your bag. That herd is close."

I put my mask on crawling out of the car grabbing my bag. Luckily I knew where I was and went into the woods. I held my side as I walked as fast as I could.

"Allison." Glenn's voices said as I looked around paranoid.

"Allison." Abraham's voice said as I looked around more.

I could see the herd as I walked faster running into a tree leaving my bloody handprint on it. Staying on the tree for a minute groaning in pain.

"You should take that glass out maybe high tail it before those bastards rip into you." Shane suggests.

I groaned looking down at the glass before gripping it and yanked it out covering my yell with my hand. I pant as I put my hand over my wound running like hell.

After about two hours of running I tripped laying on the ground panting.

"Get up." Glenn says standing over me.

I closed my eyes. Shaking my head no.

I felt a pair of hands grip onto my jacket tightly yanking me as I saw Abraham. "Get your ass up. You ain't a pussy last time I checked." He says.

I saw a walker reach out at me and pinned me on the ground until I took my knife out stabbing it in the head. I pushed off the body and went to a knee getting up as I groaned in pain.

I saw the sun was starting to set as I went holding my side running again. I was met with Shane running with me. "Come on Alli you're slowing down." He says.

"I'm dying asshole." I strained out.

"Well no shit. You better find a place or Alexandria if you want to live." He says.

I shook my head running more. As I ran a walker tried to grab me but I had my axe and swung it watching the walker fall as I kept running.

When night approached it was hard to see without a flashlight. I stopped running as I didn't hear anymore walkers groaning behind me.

"What are you doing?" Glenn asked.

" I have to stop. I can't run anymore Glenn." I say through tears.

He grabbed my face showing me the walls of Alexandria. I sighed in relief. "Get up and go." He says.

I pushed myself off the tree before heading to the walls almost walker like before I found the crack I use to sneak out of before slipping it as I looked back seeing how much I was bleeding.

I limped to my old house opening the back gate and the back door collapsing on the floor. I dropped my bag as I went into the kitchen rummaging as I found my old first aid kit. I took the sterile gauze before I ripped my shirt packing my wound.

My vision had become blurry before I heard someone enter the house as my eyes rolled to the back of my head collapsing to the floor as I lost consciousness for the second time that day.

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