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Allison's POV

As the following day came around I headed towards the infirmary to go check on Maggie. I knocked on the door. "Maggie it's Allison. May I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah come on in." Aaron says on the other side of the door.

I walked in and smiled at the two. "How are you feeling?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"I am in a lot of pain in my abdomen and I feel weak." I heard Maggie say before I stepped closer feeling her head and neck. She had a growing fever and was starting to become pale. "Did you take the medicine?" I asked seeing her nod. I took her pulse in her wrist as I could it become slower than how it was the night before. "Alright get some rest. I have to talk to Aaron outside for a minute." I tell them.

I headed out of the room and to outside so Maggie couldn't hear. I heard Aaron follow me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"She won't make it through the night if we keep her here. We need to take her to Hilltop where there's a real doctor." I tell him.

"Okay I'll talk to Rick and see when we can head out." Aaron tells me.

"The sooner the better. I will stay with her while you talk to Rick." I tell him as I see him nod as I walked back into Maggie's room. I smile as I sit next to her.

"Allison those people out there are terrible. Even the one in the mask he was intimidating. He said we would meet him soon. I'm scared." She tells me softly.

"Glenn and everyone here including myself are going to protect you so you can get to Hilltop. We'll make sure nothing happens to you." I tell her. "Get some sleep and save your energy." I say seeing her eyes close.

I watched as Rick and Aaron walked in. "Are you telling the truth of her not making it through the night?" He asked.

"Yes I am. She has a raising fever, weak heartbeat, and turning pale. She'll only get worse if we keep her here." I tell him.

I could see he was thinking before he sighed. "We'll head out in an hour. You coming with us?" He asked.

"Yeah I told her I would stay with her. Let me grab some stuff." I told him before I headed back to my house. I grabbed my bag that had the masks and jacket in it before some water and some granola bars in it for the ride.

I walked out of the house and walked to the RV. I saw them carry Maggie in as I saw Abraham.

"You coming with finally?" He asked.

"I made a promise to Maggie." I told him. "Where's everyone else? Where did Glenn go?" I asked.

"They went after Daryl. He wanted to kill Negan himself. Glenn went with them to stop Daryl." He says as he got in.

"Sounds like him." I say as I got in after him headed towards the back sitting next to the bed.

I watched everyone pile into the RV as Abraham started to drive.

After a while on the road, Rick came into the room seeing Maggie awake.

"Hey." Rick says sitting next to her.

"Hey." Maggie says taking deep breaths.

"We're gonna get there. The doctor at the Hilltop, he's gonna make things better." Rick tells her.

Maggie looked off in the distance worry filling her face before Rick grabbed her attention again. "Hey." He says moving her hair out of face.

"How do you know?" Maggie asks softly.

"Everything we've done, we've done together. We got here together and we're still here. Things have happened but it's always worked out for us cause it's been all of us. That's how I know. Cause as long as it's all of us, we can do anything." Rick tells her as Carl walked in behind him and sat next to me as we kept an eye on her.

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