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Allison's POV

After a few weeks we started to do search parties for Daryl and Eugene had started to make bullets for us. Negan decided to treat him like royalty and get him whatever he needed.

Negan decided that he needed me locked away in his room for my own protection. I had began becoming sick as I stayed in the room and finally caught Negan while he was home.

"Negan." I said catching his attention. "I need to see Dr. Carson." I tell him.

"Why?" He asked looking down at me.

"Because I'm sick and I'm not getting any better." I say looking up at him.

He nods. "Come on." He says taking my hand as we walked to the doctor's office.

He gets me into the doctor's office. "Do you want me to stay?" He asks.

"Can you stay outside the door?" I asked seeing him nod.

"Angel what brings you in?" Dr. Carson asked closing the door behind Negan.

"I haven't been feeling good for the last couple weeks." I told him.

"What are experiencing?" He asked.

"Nausea, hot flashes, pain here." I said motioning to my breasts. "Not liking food as much and I am constantly tired." I tell him.

"I don't want you to be alarmed but is there any chance that you might be pregnant?" He asked.

My eyes widen and I laughed in disbelief. "There's no way." I tell him.

"Would you be willing to take a pregnancy test?" He asked.

I nod as I watched him walk out. After a few minutes I see him walk back in with a cup and a couple of pregnancy tests. "There's a bathroom through that door for you to use and fill the cup. Once you're done wipe the cup and bring it out to test." He says.

"Thanks." I tell him taking the cup into the bathroom. My hands were shaking but I took a deep breath as I did what was instructed. I bring it back out and put it on the small tray where the tests were.

"Alright here we go." He says dipping both tests into the liquid before removing them as he put the covers on. I stood there waiting for the answer.

After about five minutes I looked back at the tests seeing they were positive. I was in shock and frozen in my spot. I looked at Dr. Carson as tears flooded my vision.

"Do you want me to bring Negan in?" He asked as I stayed in my place completely in shock. I could hear Dr. Carson walk out as I went into the corner of the room as I slumped to the ground crying into my knees.

I hear two sets of steps walk towards me before one of them walked out of the room.

"Allison?" Negan asked softly.

I looked at him as I felt my tears go down my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." I say weakly.

"You're what?" He asked in disbelief.

"I'm pregnant." I repeated weakly.

I look up again seeing him look down before walking out of the room. I cried into my knees for a few minutes before seeing Dr. Carson. I get up wiping my tears. "Thanks Doc." I say softly seeing him nod.

I walked out of the doctor's office and up to Negan's room slowly as I approached I saw the door was open a little bit as I walked in seeing the room had been trashed. No sign of Negan anywhere as I grabbed my stuff putting in its bag. Before writing on a piece of paper. ' I'm sorry that this isn't what you wanted. Love, Allison'

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