𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

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Allison's POV

I knew I wasn't awake as I looked around my old childhood home.

"Allison." I heard seeing my mom.

My eyes filled with tears. "Mom?" I asked as I went up hugging her. "Mom I'm so scared."

"Scared of what sweetheart?" She asked playing with my hair.

"I don't want to die but I'm so tired. Rick is going to hate me for what I did. I betrayed him so I could have a chance at love again." I tell her.

"Honey he's your brother. He loves you just like your father and I did. He can't hate his little sister. He fell in love with his little sister when he first met you." My mom tells me wiping my tears. "You need to wake up." She says.

I opened my eyes seeing my childhood home on fire with my parents inside as I screamed but no noise came out. I looked around yet again to see everyone staring at me.

"Wake up." They say in unison.

This time closing my eyes I was met with the scenery of the hospital Rick stayed in when he was in the hospital. I looked at the room number and recognizing it as I walked in crying. "Rick." I said softly. He looked like what he did nowadays but was in a coma. I walked closer resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for everything I did to you." I started but was interrupted.

"No you're not Allison. You wanted me to suffer and you got your wish. I am suffering. You killed two good people and you didn't flinch once." He says looking at me.

I backed away hitting my back against the wall. "You made me watch. You made me almost cut off Carl's arm. For what?" He asked getting up as I slumped down to the floor. I covered my eyes with my hands before I felt hands move them away seeing Negan. "For me."

"Shit I gotta say." Negan says as I looked around being in the line up next to Rick. "I am a man of my word." He says standing in front of me. "So back to it." He says as I braced myself for the smack on my head.

I looked to see everyone look at me again. "Wake up." They said in unison.

I closed my eyes this time as I saw all the blood on the ground after the lineup. I let out a scream as I put my face in the ground. I laid on the ground crying face down.

I turned laying on my back looking at the sky before I went to my knees. "Just let me die! I'm tired! I don't want to be here anymore!" I yelled. "Just kill me!" I yelled as I cried laying my face in my knees.

"No." I heard someone say. I looked up as tears went down my face. I could see it was Dale. "Allison you're a tough woman but do you really want to die like this? Bleeding out from a piece of glass?" He asked.

"Dale you were right. The people we were are dead." I say through tears.

"I know that's why I need you to wake up." He tells me.

"Why is everyone keep telling me that?! Am I dead or something?!" I yelled.

"Close to it." Glenn says standing next to Dale.

"But now you have to make a choice." Abraham says on the other side of Dale.

"Live or die Allison. It's your choice. Why don't we take a look at reality right now." Shane says pointing over to an infirmary room.

I got up walking over to it. I could see Rick, Michonne and Carl sitting on either side of me. Rick looked like hell so did Carl. Michonne was there comforting them.

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