𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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TW: Mention of rape

Allison's POV

After almost a week there had just been one thing after the next happening. After the barn incident Hershel went missing which made Glenn and Rick go after him in which they brought back a kid that had shot at them, Lori went missing after asking both Daryl and I to go find them but we didn't, Rick and Shane fought each other and Daryl convincing me to stay.

As Daryl and I interrogated this kid. Daryl kept punching as I watched.

"I told you-"

"You haven't told us shit."

"I barely knew those guys. I met em on the road."

"How many are in your group?" I asked as I nodded at Daryl watching him pull out his hunting knife. The kid kept pleading  with the both of us. Daryl lunged the knife between his legs. "How many are in your group?" I asked again.

"30 guys."

"Where?" I asked giving Daryl a nod.

The kid screams. "I don't know. I swear. We were never anyplace more than a night."

"Scouting? Planning on staying local?"

"I-I  don't know. They left me behind."

"Did you ever pick off a scab?" Daryl asks.

"Come on man. Please miss don't let him do this to me."

I walked closer grabbing his hair so he looked up at me. "I would but you shot at the people I care about so automatically you're on my bad side." I says as I throw his head into the wall before nodding at him.

"I'm try to cooperate."

"You start real slow at first. Sooner or later you've just gotta rip it off."

The kid groaned "Okay. Okay." He sighs as he pause before looking at us. "They have weapons. Heavy stuff. Automatics, but I didn't do anything."

"Your guys shot at our boys tried to take this farm. You just went along for the ride? You're trying to tell me you're innocent now?" I asked mad.

"Yes!" The kid yells before breathing heavily. "These people took me in. Not just guys a whole group of em. Men and women kids too just like you people. Thought I'd have a better chance with them, you know? But we go out scavenge just the men. One night we found this little campsite. A man and his two daughters. Teenagers you know? Real young. Real cute. Their daddy has to watch while these guys- they- and they didn't even kill them afterwards. They just made him watch. As his daughters-" He explains before I start punching him in the face until the kid is passed out.

I panted as my anger slowly started to subdue as I felt Daryl's hand in my shoulder. "Come on let's go." He tells me.

Daryl and I walked out of the shed locking it behind us. I saw both of our hands were bloody as we walked to camp silently. We walked up seeing everyone look at us. "He has a gang of 30 men. They got heavy artillery and they aren't looking to make friends. They roll through here. Our boys will be dead. And our women they're gonna wish they were." I explained.

"What did you guys do?" Andrea asked.

"We talked to him." Daryl says as I walk with him away getting some food. We sat side by side on a log eating.

"Come on A let's go clean our hands up of that blood " Daryl says as he gets up holding his hand out  helping me up as we walked to a pail of water washing both of our hands.


As I was sitting by a tree putting my bag I hear something sneak up behind me as I pulled my machete out holding it to Dale's neck. "What did I say about sneaking up on me?"

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