𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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Allison's POV

As night was soon approaching I decided to make some dinner before hearing a knock on my door seeing Daryl. I moved out of the way letting him inside. I watched him walk in as I closed the door.

"I gotta ask you something?" He asks.

"Sure. Ask me." I say walking back to the kitchen cooking.

"Who's the Angel of Death? Are they a threat to here?"

"Quite the opposite actually. Protects here and kills anyone who tries to betray them. I never met them but I can only assume things."

"You never seen their face?"

"No from what I heard they wear a mask."

He nods starting to look around.  I turned around seeing him so close. "What's going on Daryl?" I asked softly.

"I'm having a hard time believing that you became this good girl since I last saw you. You were badass this woman I could see myself with but I don't want to be rude but it seems you became weak."

My eyes darken with rage." What did you just say?"

"You always told me to tell the truth and now I am."

"Seems like you want to meet the Angel of Death. You sure you want that?"

"You've become weak and pathetic."

Those words alone turned into rage as I punched him in the nose. While he was off balance I grabbed a hold of his hair of his hair dragging him out of my home and to Rick's house. As I approached I looked at Daryl. "Go be with your bitch. You're lucky this all I did." I said throwing him into the door. I didn't look back as I walked back home seeing the food I made was burnt. I cursed at myself.

I heard someone barge in as I looked up before grabbing my throwing knife from under the counter throwing next to their person's head. I see Rick look at me shocked. "Jesus Alli." He said before he walked closer to me seeing the anger coursing through me. "What the hell happened?"

"Came into my home and insulted me. I only gave him a bloody nose and maybe a headache. I could've done worse just so you know." I tell him.

"I know I figured that you were going to do that from what Spenser told us. I know my sister too well to know she didn't become good over night."

I chuckled softly. "Okay go home and be with your family. I'll see you tomorrow." I said walking him out and closing the door.

I took my knife out of the wall before I went upstairs taking a shower before getting into bed getting so well needed sleep.


The next morning I got Rick's group together by the gate. "Good morning everyone. I hope everyone got some rest last night and were able to settle into your homes." I tell them as I had a clipboard out. "Alright since everyone is here I'll announce your jobs." I say looking down at my clipboard.

"Glenn, Tara and Noah you're going to be joining our runners." I say looking at them. "Nicholas will explain everything." I said watching them walk away.

"Daryl you will be with Aaron scouting for new members since Eric has a broken ankle." I said watching him walk away.

"Maggie you will work alongside Deanna in her home." I said watching her walk away.

"Abraham and Sasha you're on security detail." I watched them toward the gate.

"Rosita you will be working in the infirmary." I pause looking then to Carol. "You will be in charge of the children and cooking for the community." I said watching them both walk away.

I turned to look at Rick and Michonne. "You two will be constables."

"Constables?" Michonne asked confused.

"Think of it as peace keepers of the community." I say before I paused. "Go back to your homes and I will have Olivia bring your uniforms." I said watching them walk away.

"It seems like they're adjusting alright." I hear Tobin say next to me.

"It's an act. They don't like how we're doing things." I tell him as I looked at him seeing him nod before I walked doing my morning checks.

As the afternoon came around I could hear commotion at the front gate. I ran to the front gate as fast as I could to see Glenn punching one of the guys on the floor. I stepped in the middle standing in front of Glenn receiving a punch from Nicholas.

Red. That's all that I could see. I looked to Nicholas to hear him pleading before I punched him in the face watching him fall on the ground before I got on top of him repeatedly punching his face to a pulp. I grabbed his shirt holding him up. "You do that again I won't stop. Do you understand?" I asked hearing him mumble. "Understand?!" I yelled hearing him say yes before I dropped his shirt getting up as I spit a little blood. I looked at Olivia. "Get Pete and save this sorry ass low life." I said walking away.

I could hear someone running up to me. "What the hell was that?" Glenn asked. "I could've taken care of it." He said. I ignored him as I kept walking. "Allison." He says stopping me.

"Listen to me carefully. Those two are low lives and I know they don't take this shit seriously. Sometimes you got to beat them to a pulp to get a message through to them. That's what it was Glenn." I said. "Now if you don't mind I need to wash my hands and take care of my wounds." I say walking past him.

I headed up to my house seeing Rosita there already waiting for me. "I'm fine." I said walking into my house feeling her follow me.

"Sure looks like it. Pete wanted me to clean your wounds since you refuse to go to the infirmary." She says getting some medical things out. "Now sit." She says making me sit in a chair. I groan slightly as she wiped my knuckles with alcohol and the cut on my cheek. "Looks like nothing is broken just a sprained hand." She tells me.

"Thanks Rosita. You really didn't have to do this." I tell her.

"It's fine honestly. You looked like you could use someone to talk to."

"Me? I'm doing just fine."

"Rick told us about you last night and what you did for him. He regrets what he said to you."

"Are you his messenger now?"

"No far from that. He told us of you one day when Carl asked something about you. If anything I thought you were this badass woman who I could see myself being friends with."

"You see me as your friend?"

"Well not exactly. I want to know you and not just by the stories."

I nod. "Well if you want there is going to be a party tomorrow night and we can get ready here together. We can get to know each other then."

"I would like that. How about after my shift at the infirmary? I'll tell Abraham and grab my stuff heading over."

"Perfect see you tomorrow."

"See ya." Rosita says as she grabbed her bag walking out of my house.

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