𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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Allison's POV

Negan stopped me outside of the truck that was heading back to Alexandria.

"You're not going Allison." He tells me.

"Like hell. I'm going Negan alright. I want some of my own clothes along with seeing my niece." I say looking up at him. "Please." I say softly.

He looked in my eyes and groans. "Get in the truck." He says defeated.

"Thank you." I said getting in the truck. I looked back seeing Carl. "You gonna behave?" I asked.

He rolled his eye before ignoring me as Negan got in driving. "Alright family road trip to see Prick." He says driving off as one other truck followed us out.

"Do you really need to call him prick all the time?" I asked looking over at him.

"Yes I do honey. He's Rick the prick." He says smiling. "I'm kind of proud that nickname actually." He tells me.

I shake my head laughing softly. "You're proud of a lot of things." I tease him.

"There is a child present sweetheart. No way to talk like that." He says looking at me.

"Okay. Okay. I won't bring it up anymore." I  say looking out the window.

After a couple of hours Negan pulled in front of Alexandria. "Let's go." He says getting out. I got out letting Carl out as well.

I walked up to the gate and entered as we looked around at everyone. "Which house is yours Carl?" He asked.

I watched as he pointed to it as we walked to it knocking on the door. Olivia opened it see the three of us as Negan and I walked in. Olivia closed the door walking to where we were.

"Where's Rick?" I asked. Olivia stumbled over her words for a minute. "Don't care. Where's Rick?" I asked again.

"Um out scavenging for the both of you." She says.

"Cool we'll wait." Negan says.

"Um—he went out pretty far. They might not be back today. We're running really low everything. We're practically starving here." Olivia pleads with us.

We both looked at each other before Negan looked amused. "Starving?" He pauses. "You?" He asked pointing at her.

"By practically you mean not really?" I asked watching her cry as she ran out of the house.

I covered my mouth before Negan looked back. "They don't have a sense of humor around here?" He asked.

"Apparently not. I guess it went down the drain when Rick became in charge." I said.

"What the hell is her name again?" He asked.

"Olivia." I told him.

"Right." He says walking closer to me. "You know we are going to be here a while. I could screw your brains out." He suggests.

I pat his cheek. "Not according to Doc's orders." I say kissing his cheek. "You need to shave this thing." I say looking at his beard.

He nods chuckling before he looks at Carl. "Alright kid take me on a grand tour." He says.

Carl started upstairs which made Negan take his socks and shoes off before enjoying the carpet before he went back downstairs messing with water coming out of the sink. I stayed upstairs playing with Judith.

I heard the both of them walk in as I was holding Judith. "Holy shit well look at these two angels." He says walking closer as he took Judith holding her.

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