𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑

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Allison's POV

Over the next day I met the men accompanying me as I sat in the meeting room. I took a map out marking each community. "When we get out of this building we have to head into the woods. It will give us cover. They expect us to be in cars driving around but they don't know that Negan and I are alive. We need to keep that element of surprise." I explained. "We move in the night and any patrols we see get killed on sight. No one knows these plans except for us and it will stay that way." I tell them as I leaned forward. "If I find out that this goes out I will kill all of you. Do I make myself clear?" I asked looking around. "Good." I say leaning back. "Any questions?" I asked.

"I have a question." A man with dark hair said looking at me. "What weapons are we going to be using? We can't just use melees."

"You five will have silenced weapons. You will carry knives and automatics with silencers." I said seeing him nod. "Any other questions?" I asked looking around. "Dismissed." I say seeing all of them leave.

I sighed as I see Eugene walk in. "Eugene what do I owe your company?" I asked leaning back putting my feet on the table.

"Where's Negan?" He asked.

"He's dealing with some other business right now. So you're stuck with me." I paused tilting my head. "Please take a seat." I offered.

He obliged looking down at the table.

"Now why the long face? You figure something out or you just here to waste my precious time?" I asked.

"No I am not here to waste time. I rather need your assistance." He says in a monotone voice looking at me.

"My assistance?" I asked as I took my feet off the table getting up. "And what would you need my assistance for?" I asked.

"I need to obtain a small speaker and another source of music." He starts. "I also need glue or duct tape to keep it together on the toy helicopter I so happen to possess." He says. "Walkers are attracted to sound and we can use it to lead them away and we would be free."

I listened as I looked at a side table seeing duct tape. I grabbed it setting it next to him as I bent down looking at him. "Is this plan of yours 100% going to work?" I asked calmly.

He turns his head. "Yes ma'am." He says confidently.

I smiled. "Good." I say standing up walking towards the door opening it. "I will get those things to you tomorrow morning. I'll also let Negan know and we'll see what your reward is. You can go." I say.

He gets up thanking me before walking out as Simon and Dwight walked in.

"What now?" I asked the both of them.

"Don't look so down seeing us Angel." Simon says holding something behind his back. "We got what you wanted. A new mask." He says showing me and I smirked taking it in.

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