𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟓

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Allison's POV

After Carl's death, I became numb emotionally. I tried to take in Carl's letter and what Rick wanted from me. I was stuck in a weird place as I spent most of my time outside looking at the trees and messing with my ring. I had a lot to think about and I purposely hid away from the fight the last few days. Negan tried talking to me but I couldn't find words to talk.

Eventually I came out of Negan's room and out to the cat walk seeing Negan and Simon fighting. I did the Savior's whistle seeing everyone kneel down.

"I am out of commission for a few days and I come to see this. Someone explain. Now!" I yelled.

I watched as no one answered as I laughed. I walk down to where everyone was and walked through the crowd standing between Simon and Negan.

I squatted down so the two of them could hear me. "Someone better start talking or I make examples out of the both of you. I will count to three and if I get to three then I will kill one of you."

I watched as they both looked at me. "One." I started taking my knife out. "Two." I said looking at Negan seeing him shake his head. I smirked. "Three." I say as I turned around stabbing Simon in the chest standing him up. I stabbed him one more time before dropping him on the floor wiping the blood on his shirt. I put my knife back in my belt.

"Carry on with your jobs! Tie this asshole on the fence!" I yelled walking past everyone outside. I put my mask and hood on as I watched workers tie Simon to the fence as he turned.

"What the fuck was that?" Negan asked pissed off as he stood next to me.

"Neither of you explained and no one talked." I said looking at him. "I made an example." I say monotone.

"That wasn't your call. He was threatening our leadership and I-" He started before I cut him off.

"You what? Fight him?" I asked him unamused shaking my head. "You two were being childish and I finished it. If you don't like it too bad it's done with."

"Allison this isn't you. I get it Carl-" He started again before I put my knife to his neck.

"Don't. You don't get to say his name." I said threatening. "He was the reason for me being good and now—now he's gone. You answer to me now Negan and right now get me Eugene." I say pulling my knife away from his neck.

Negan's jaw clenched as he walked away before I put my knife away. I turned the walkie talkie on.

"Rick come in."

"Allison what's going on?" I heard Rick asked. "Where have you been?"

"Negan isn't in charge anymore." I say as there was silence.

"Allison tell me you didn't become leader of them. My fight isn't with you."

"I started this and I will end this on my terms. Carl asked me to help find peace between the two of you and I can see that it will never happen as long as he's alive." I started. "I love him Rick but I won't let you do what he did to Maggie. So I will give you a week to do whatever it is you have to do to fight again to-" I say before something went iver my head and I was picked up by multiple people screaming.

I screamed until I was put in a car. The bag was removed and I could see Daryl and Rosita. I stopped screaming as I looked to the both of them. "You going to stand there and stare at me or are you going to kill me?" I Asked harshly.

"We ain't killing you A. At least not yet." Daryl says.

"Rick sent us to get Eugene but you were there so we just took you instead." Rosita explains.

I scoff. "You should probably kill me then."

"Why?" Daryl asks.

"I gave Rick a week before I massacre all of you. It was going to be a decoy and I—I was going to help you guys win. I just needed it to be believable." I explained taking g my life out poking it into my hand gently.

"Rick told us what the deal was with you Alli." Rosita says as she put a hand on my shoulder. "As much as I was pissed off with it, I realized maybe we could have another badass on our side." She says making me look at her. "You don't have to keep doing this. Playing both sides."

I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand all the shit I've been through and what—" I pause trying to keep my tears back. "What Carl asked of me. What he asked from Negan. Somehow I was put in the middle and it's either I choose family or love to standby." I say crying at this point.

"Allison look at me." Daryl says as I looked at him. "Stop bullshitting us and tell us the truth. There's more you're not telling." He says as he always knew something g was up.

"I killed Simon. I lost my baby this morning and I feel nothing. I lost my baby, Carl and possibly Negan." I say weakly. "I want everyone to feel my pain and my loss that I have felt."

They both stayed quiet before Daryl spoke up. "Does Negan know?" He asked as I shook my head no.

"We can use that against him." Rosita says. "I have an idea." She says. "We can make him think he lost the both of you in the final battle."

"How would you do that?" I asked looking at her.

"We can shoot you in the stomach. We still have your bullet proof vest." Rosita says.

"Okay." I say. "I just want the blood shed to stop." I admitted.

"It will but for now we have to bring you to the Hilltop" Daryl says. "Rick's request."

"Maggie will kill me." I say softly.

"I won't let her near you." Daryl says before looking at Rosita. "You drive back and I'll stay with her." He says as she climbed up front starting to drive.

I rested my head on the window as I felt a hand on my wrist as I looked seeing Daryl. "It's okay." He says softly. "Try to rest." He says as I nodded.

I drifted off to sleep before not too long as I felt my door open. I jolted awake and saw Rick. My tears started to form before he pulled me out and discreetly taking me inside the big mansion and into the office.

"What the hell was that on the walkie?" Rick asked.

"I don't know. My emotions got the best of me and I lost it. I e had a very rough few days and now I've been kidnapped to be here." I tell him. I took the mask off my belt handing it to him. "Take it. I don't need it anymore."

Rick took the mask. "What happened?" He asked putting the mask on the desk.

"I lost the baby because I was emotionally unstable after Carl's death. I—I killed someone today. Someone who deserved it and now I just want what Carl asked from me. To find goodness and happiness within my heart." I explained. "I can't find happiness but I found the good inside. Daryl and Rosita came up with a plan."

Rick looked at Daryl. "What plan do you have in mind?" He asked.

Daryl stood next to me. "Negan doesn't know she lost the baby. We can act like one of us shot her in the stomach and she was dying at the end of this. Negan would surrender to protect her."

Rick looked at me. "And you're okay with this?"

"Yeah I'm okay with this. I can't loose more family." I tell him.

"Okay. Daryl she stays with you and keep her away from Maggie." Rick ordered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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