𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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**Two Years Later**

Allison's POV

It's been about two years since I joined Alexandria. Deanna assigned me as the head of security and the person who screens new people coming into the community. I guess being an undercover cop has it perks job wise. Aarón and Eric had gone off scouting for new people in which they told me it was a big group.

I had dyed my hair a dark brown and cut it to my shoulders as it had got long. I was never much for appearances until I got here as I needed to look the part of the community. I was allowed to keep my machete and knife at all times for security purposes. I walked along the fence making sure there were no holes and or damages in which I would have to call Tobin for the repairs of it.

I heard Spenser call my name as I turned around. "Hey Spenser what's going on?"

"That new group that Aaron and Eric were looking for is here at the front gates. You need to talk to them." He tells me as I nodded heading towards the front.

I looked to the group as I approached smiling. "Welcome to Alexandria. My name is Allison and I will be the one screening you for admissions into Alexandria." I explain. "But first I need you to turn in your weapons."

"We don't know if want to stay." He says as he looked kind of familiar but I couldn't put my finger on how I might know this person.

"No worries. I will take you over to my residence and I will interview all you individually. Now if you don't mind I would like to start with you." I said looking at leader as he nods. "Fantastic follow me." I say as I lead them to my house and lead them up the stairs to the deck. "Please take a seat and relax." I say as I walked inside with the leader coming in behind me closing the door. I lead him to my office in which he looked around cautiously taking in everything.

I sighed before I let my cop take over. "May I have your name?"

"Rick Grimes." He says to me. I froze for a minute before I took a deep breath.

"Nice to meet you Rick. I'm Allison Grimes." I say as I knew if he heard the last name he may look at me differently. I watched as he turned around looking at me with a deadly look."What did you say your name was?" He asked.

"Allison Grimes." I said as I watched him walk closer as he looked over my face. It was hard to tell what he was feeling but whatever it was I could see the tears.

"Alli?" He asks as I smile nodding my head. He pulled me in a hug as I hugged him back. "How are you alive?" He asks as he pulled away.

"I ran drawing the herd away from that interstate where we set up stuff for Sophia. Once I got a good distance I hid in the trunk of the car letting the herd walk past me. I knew it was too dangerous to go back and find you so I had to keep living. I drove about three or four days before I ended up here." I explained. "Who's still alive that I'll know?"

Rick sighs. "Stay here. Let me grab them." I said as he walked out of the house. He returned back a couple minutes later. I looked at the extremely small group before I looked at Rick holding a baby before he looked at everyone blocking their view of me. "As you probably remember but we survived the farm a long time ago. If it weren't for Allison's sacrifice drawing that we wouldn't be here.

"Aunt Alli is dead." I heard Carl say as his voice had gotten deeper than the last time I remember.

I stepped aside of Rick looking at Carl. "Is that why she gave you her gun called Lucky Girl. As her way to make sure you wouldn't get shot again." I say as he realized who I was.

"Aunt Alli." He says before walking up to me. "You look different."

"So do you buddy." I smile.

I looked around to see Daryl run up and hug picking me off the ground as I wrapped my legs around his waist. The tears came out until I pulled back taking in his face and all his features. His hair was longer and he was dirty but still looking like he did the night I left him. "Hi Daryl." I say softly.

He took in my appearance. "I think I like you like this better now." He says softly as his hand traces my face almost taking in every detail.

"I told you I would find you someday." I say as I felt his kiss on the forehead.

I looked back as I felt Glenn and Maggie hug me together. "I missed you guys. All of you." I said looking around before I stopped at the baby. "And who are you sweet girl?"

"This is Judith. Your niece." Rick says as I looked at him giving him a sympathetic look.

"May I?" I asked as he nodded handing her to me in which I held her. Her babbles were adorable as she played with my hair and hiding her face in my neck. "Come on let's take a walk and I'll show you around." I tell him.

We all walked out and down the deck. "Well there has been a change of plans. Since Rick, Carl and Judith are family it's been my decision to let you stay. There are rules set in place and you all will have jobs assigned to you tomorrow." I said guiding them through the neighborhood. "There's running water and electricity. We have school for the kids, the younger kids in the morning and older kids in the afternoon. Pantry and armory are across over there." I said pointing to them. "I know you haven't had the chance to turn in your weapons yet but we promise that no one will take your gun. Olivia will take count of all of it and when you go in and out you may check it out with her. The only exception is being part of security. We have people who do runs at least three times a week where we have groups of two to four people go out scavenge whatever we can find and bring it back here for the community." I explained it all before stopping in front of an empty house turning around to the big group. "I know it's a lot to take in and is adjustment. As the looks of all of you, you've been on the road a long time and only know kill or be killed mindset but this place isn't it. Any concerns you have please bring up to me and I will bring it up to Deanna."

"Who's Deanna?" A ginger man asked.

"She's the leader of this community. Her and her husband built this place at the beginning of the outbreak."

"I will give you off to Olivia and Spenser to turn over weapons and assign you homes. Welcome to Alexandria." I said politely before handing Judith back to Rick before heading to my home to eat and begin planning.

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