𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏

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Allison's POV

It had been a couple days since the attack on Alexandria. I sat in a cell keeping my eyes down. I hadn't touched food since it all smelled awful to me. I hear someone enter seeing Rick and Daryl as I stood up.

"Well if it isn't my old flame and my asshole of a brother. What do I owe the pleasure of your presence?" I asked putting my hands behind my back.

"What do you know?" Rick asked.

"I know a lot of things so you might want to clarify." I said stepping to the bars. "What you want to know." I say threatening looking into Rick's eyes.

"Back up." Daryl says as I smirked taking a step back keeping eye contact with Rick.

"Negan's plans for this war." He says.

I chuckled. "How would I know that? I've been locked here." I say motioning to the cell. "Try again."

"Answer the damn question." Daryl yells.

"Or what?!" I yelled louder. "You're gonna kill me? Torture me?" I asked.

"We will if we have to Allison." Rick says.

"Yeah sure. I have a hard time believing that." I tell him sarcastically.

"Okay so if you don't know his war plans, what do you know?" Rick asks.

"Well." I start. "For starters, he's gonna do anything to get me back with him. You see I am his wife and I am with child." I tell him. "If anything you have his weakness locked away in a cell." I tell the both of them. "If you want to negotiate anything you'll need me there."

Rick looks down. "No you're not coming out of there." He says mentioning the cell.

"Rick I hate to say it but she's right. She's his weakness and we can use her for negotiating." Daryl says.

"At least Daryl has some common sense still." I commented.

"Shut up." They said in unison

"Fair enough." I say mocking them.

"What else do you know?" Rick asked.

"Well I also know Dwight is double teaming by how he looked at you guys. I'm not surprised though his wife ran away and he framed the doctor and the doctor was thrown into a fire." I explained. "Oh I also know that you are in deep water." I tell him.

"What do you mean?" Daryl asked.

"You underestimate how many people exactly work for him. It's thousands of men with heavy equipment. Each outpost will be armed to the teeth. So be cautious." I warn them. "Both day and night." I added.

"How do you know?" Rick asked.

"Because dear brother I have been here way longer than you and I know where each outpost is. Hell I've been Angel of Death for a very long time but I told Negan if things went sideways I don't want to be involved on both sides." I explained.

"Because you're pregnant?" Daryl asked.

"Exactly. It's the safest thing I can do to protect my baby." I tell them.

"Tomorrow you will be coming with us to the Sanctuary. You'll be riding with me." Rick says as I watched the two men walk out.

I scoffed and shook my head. "Dumbasses." I mumble before going to the bed feeling exhausted as I slept the day and night away. 

Pregnancy is weird.


As morning came I awoke to some slamming something into the bars of the cell. "Get up." Rick said.

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