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Allison's POV

After last night and this morning. I took my mask off in the RV as I started to head to the back of the RV sitting on the bed. I looked at the mask that had Abraham's blood on it as I started to feel the tears coming.

"Allison? You okay?" I heard Negan asked from the front.

I didn't answer as I put the mask behind me as I looked up seeing the bullet holes Negan made earlier to get Rick off. Negan killed them and I did nothing. I mentally messed with my brother and I almost got my nephew's arm cut off. Glenn I promised to take care of Maggie for him. The tears were coming out and my breathing had started to become faster.

I slid to the floor as I held my chest never feeling this before as I looked to the front.

"Negan." I say weakly.

It was like he heard me and I felt the RV stop before I could only look at his legs. My ears were ringing and everything felt like it was spinning. I could hear him saying my name but it was muffled. He pulled me into his arms and instantly everything came out. All the tears and all the emotions I had bottled up.

"They're dead. Oh god they're dead." I say into his chest.

"You shouldn't have watched. I should've made you go in here." He says into my hair.

"I mentally tortured my brother into cutting his son's arm off. Who the fuck does that to their own family?!" I exclaimed as I cried harder.

"He didn't cut it off though Allison. I stopped him because there was enough blood shed. I wasn't going to let it happen." Negan says moving my hair out of my face making me look into his eyes. "You know they will be after you now." He tells me.

I nod. "I know I have to be extra careful."

"Well that and I can't lose my wife and my right hand. How devastating would that shit be?" He tells me as I let out a small laugh.

"I can't lose my husband either. Hell I think I would raise Hell if something were to happen to you." I tell him.

He chuckles. "Come on. Let's go up front and we can talk on the way back to the Sanctuary. Get you back to a good place here." He says kissing my forehead before he gets up offering his hand out to me.

I close my eyes smiling before I take his hand walking up to the front sitting in the passenger's seat as Negan started the RV up again driving.

"You know you agreed to be my wife rather quickly. Why did you say yes so fast?" He asked curiously.

"Honestly you gave me a reason to feel something again. Meeting you that day and telling you my whole story I had never done that before. I'm a very closed off person even Daryl doesn't know half the things you do. Plus on top of that you're more my type. Tall, dark hair, clean up a little bit and have muscles." I tell him looking at him. "I know you're bad for me but I can't stay away from you. All those talks we had those nine made my feelings for you even stronger because you listened." I say honestly.

He showed off his famous smile. "Trust me I know I'm not good for you but yet you sit here looking at me with those blue eyes. Those eyes of yours are my weakness and would make me do unspeakable things both sexually and literally." He says shooting me a look before looking back at the road.

I blushed and smiled. "Okay my turn to ask you something. How come dropped your other wives like nothing to only be with me?" I asked him.

"You remind me of her. My first wife Lucille. She had cancer and didn't make it. You two are just like twins in both looks and your personalities. It drove me crazy and I told myself I needed you at any cost. The other wives were pissed but I didn't care because I get to have another chance with one wife and not screw it up too bad." He tells me.

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