𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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Allison's POV

The next morning I woke up to being by myself in bed. There was no Daryl in sight and it kind of hurt. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something that scared him away? I didn't think too much of it before I got in the shower relaxing feeling the hot water on my skin. I took my normal shower getting out. I dried my hair with a towel before I wrapped it around my body.

I headed into my room getting dressed in my normal clothes and putting on machete on my belt. I laced up my boots before I headed downstairs getting an apple washing it and drying before I took a bite eating it. I headed out to my porch and kept eating my apple.

After finishing my apple I headed down to do my security checks and walk the perimeter. As I headed to the front gate I noticed Daryl as I walked over. "You heading out?" I asked.

I see him nod. "You coming?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as they opened the gates for us as we walked out of the community and into the woods.

There was silence for the longest time. I sighed. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Go ahead."

"Did I do something to upset you? You were gone this morning when I woke up."

"Yeah you did. You said you loved me."

I stopped walking. "That's what you're upset about? That I told you I loved you."

He stopped turning to me. "I can't get hurt again. After I lost you I didn't let anyone close. That's not changing now because you just magically appeared."

"So last night what you told me and what we did. It meant nothing? You just wanted to screw around and make me think I had you back." I paused. "You just lied to me."

"Last night was me being weak. I shouldn't have done it. It was a mistake Allison."

Those last five words made my heartache as I looked Daryl in the eyes. He could see the pain and tried to come closer before I shook my head. "Stay the hell away from me. You ruined this not me." I say upset as I turned around heading back to Alexandria.

I walked through the gate as I looked at Rick seeing that he might've known which only made my heart break more. He tried to stop me but I slapped his hands away from me. I walked to my house and entered locking the door behind me. I went upstairs grabbing my backpack from under my bed. I grabbed an extra pair of clothes, my gun and a flashlight. I headed downstairs grabbing a couple protein bars and water bottles.

I heard a knock on the door but ignored it. I took spray paint and writing 'YOU WILL REGRET THIS' on the floor and on the walls both upstairs and downstairs.

I sat on the staircase as I waited for night to come as my mind was a wreck. How stupid could I be? How dare them? What else was a lie? I want revenge. I want this place to burn like the farm did. All these thoughts were on repeat as the knocking kept continuing for hours and eventually stopped late at night.

I got up from my spot as I snuck out the back door and jumped my backyard fence. I walked the wall until I saw the hole I knew Enid used to sneak out of. I snuck out heading straight into the woods.

A few months ago I had dug a hole in the woods holding a dark black jacket and a mask. I found it and dug it up as I sighed looking at the jacket and mask dusting it off. I put on the smaller ski mask to cover my hair and most of my facial details except my eyes then the real mask. I then put on the jacket as I put my bag back on before grabbing my flashlight walking until who knows where.

I walked for hours until the sun rose as I put my flash light away in the bag. I got to a road seeing a satellite outpost building. I tilted my head before I headed towards it.

"Don't come any closer asshole." A man said as I put my hands up. "What do you want?" He asked.

I took out a small notebook and marker writing. 'I want to talk to your boss. Tell him it's Angel.' I showed it to him in which he got on the radio. "Boss I have an Angel at the satellite outpost wanting to talk to you."

"Bring them to the Sanctuary." A voice said through the radio. The man nodded for me to get in the truck as we headed down the road.

It had been a few hours before we arrived to a factory with walkers on the fence.

The man stopped the truck before I got out. I look to see a blonde man with long hair and another man with mustache. I took my weapons off putting them on the ground.

"Get Angel a room on Negan's floor. He isn't here now but will be returning tomorrow morning. He will meet with you then." The mustache man told me.

I nodded as I walked up the steps and followed them to my room. The blonde man opened the door as I walked in. "If you need anything either myself or Simon will get it for you. My name is Dwight by the way." He says before closing the door behind him.

I took my mask and ski mask off to breathe again. I sighed as I walked into the bathroom putting cold water on my face. I looked in the mirror as I could see anger coming back to me.

I decided sleep was the best idea for me as I headed out to the room and laying on the bed quickly falling asleep.

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