𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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TW: Smut

Allison's POV

"Well isn't this a hell of a reunion." I said seeing Daryl look at the ground. I walked in squatting in front of him. "Daryl look at me." I say calmly.

I see Daryl look at me in the eyes as I could see his anger and disgust with me.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked him.

"I don't want shit from you." He says.

"Suit yourself. You can starve turning into a walker and I'll make sure to hand deliver you to Rick myself." I say standing up before I chuckle softly. "You might not want shit from me but I do have to keep you alive whether you like it or not." I tell him. "So pick something to eat. I'll grab it and we'll get you orientated with the work you'll be doing." I tell him.

"Sandwich."He says softly.

"I'll be right back." I said walking out of the cell locking the door behind me as I went back up to the makeshift cafeteria.

"Ma'am your name and points." An older lady said.

"Name is Angel." I tell her as I watched her look at me before she nodded for me to go ahead.

"What can we get for you ma'am?" An older man asked.

"Can I get a sandwich and an apple please." I tell him as I watched him making a sandwich before he wrapped it up handing it to me and my apple.

I thanked him before I headed back down to Daryl's cell before I unlocked it seeing him stand up.

"Here. You'll need to eat. Get your energy." I tell him as I handed him the food as I watched him starting to eat. "Knock when you're done:" I said closing the door as I stood next to it.

After about ten minutes I heard a knock on the door as I opened the door looking at him. "Come on." I tell him as I watched him walk out locking the door.

"What's my job?" He asked me.

I put on the masks on. "You'll see in a minute." I said grabbing his arm as we walked towards the front entrance where the walker fence is. I let him go as we walked closer. "You will be helping these other men in rounding up walkers and attaching them to chains or chaining them to the fence." I explained. "You'll start tomorrow." I explain.

"Why did you do it?" He asked looking at the walkers. "Why did you let him kill our friends?" He asked.

"It was my idea there Daryl. Negan just helped me out into making it a reality. He wanted to kill all of you but I said no and he listened." I tell him looking at the walkers. "You and Rick caused me to come here. You should have never broke my trust and heart." I tell him grabbing his arm. "Let's go." I say before dragging him back inside.

I took my masks off before unlocking his door throwing him in his cell.

"Allison what I said out in the woods that morning I do regret saying it to you. I never thought guilt could surround me the way it did when I saw how hurt you were. Same with Rick. He thought he was doing the right thing to not get either of us distracted. Obviously we were wrong and I want to apologize." Daryl says pleading with me.

"You and Rick both can apologize all you want but I don't forgive you. I thought I had something with you from the start and then I disappeared and you came back just to break what I fixed by myself. Now I'm doing it again and putting myself first before I even think about forgiving anyone." I tell him. "Get some rest you have a long day tomorrow." I say as I closed the door locking it.

I sighed before I walked away heading back outside putting my mask on. As soon as I felt the sun making me sit on the stairs I looked to the forest in front of me as I felt tears build in my eyes. I looked down before letting out a small sob still processing the last couple of days.

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