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Allison's POV

These last few days had been hectic. Lori was pregnant, Daryl went missing then shot by Andrea, and to top it all off Glenn telling us there were walkers in the barn. Also forgot to mention Carl was healthy as can be and walking around camp.

As we got news of the walkers we all headed towards the barn. Daryl stood in front of me as Shane approached it looking in. He walked back over to Rick. "You cannot tell me you're all right with this. "

"No im not but we're guest here. This isn't our land." Rick says.

"This is our lives!" Shane yells.

"Lower your voice." Glenn says more quietly.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea points out.

"It ain't right." Shane says. "Okay we've either got to go in there, we've got to make things right or we've just got to go. Now we have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time."

"We can't go."

"Why, Rick? Why?"

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol says.

"Okay. Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane says looking at her.

I step aside of Daryl. "We're not leaving Sophia behind."

"I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her doll two days ago." Daryl defends.

"You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"I'm just saying what needs to be said."

I stood in the middle of both of them. "That's enough. Both of you!" I yelled.

"Let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out."

"What are you gonna figure out?!"

"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn I have to talk him into it. This is his land."

"Hershel sees those things in there as people. Sick people. His wife, his stepson." Dale spoke up.

"You knew?" I asked walking closer to Dale.

"Yesterday I talked to Hershel."

"You waited the night?" Shane asked.

"I thought we could survive one more night. We did." Dale says looking at Shane and I. "I was waiting till this morning to say something but Glenn wanted to be the one."

"That man is crazy Rick. If Hershel thinks those things are alive or no!" He yells. He gets interrupted by the chains rattling as the walkers groaned inside slamming against the barn doors.

We all backed away except for Shane who started to circle the barn. I decided to head back to the camp with Daryl next to me. "Shane is ready to blow Daryl." I say as we walked.

"You think?"

"I don't think. I know this. At any given reason he'll clear out that barn." I tell him as I looked at him. "I've been thinking about something."

"That's never good." He jokes.

"Very funny." I say sarcastically. "What if she's in there Daryl? What if Sophia is in there?" I pause. "We would've been running around with our heads cut off. You would've almost died."

"Say she is in there. I would've died for that little girl. You said it yourself I got a weak spot for kids. But if you were missing A, I don't care if I die or not I would just want to make sure you're alive and safe." Daryl says honestly.

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