𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕

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Allison's POV

Once we made it back to the Sanctuary I got out almost falling as my knees buckled. I felt arms pick me up carrying me bridal style. I looked up seeing Negan as I rested my head on his chest. He took me inside and up to the doctor's office.

"Where do you want her Doc?" Negan asked.

"Here is fine." He says pointing to a bed.

Negan gently puts me down as I groaned in pain.

"Angel my name is Dr. Carson and I'm going to do an exam to see your wounds and ask some questions." He tells me as I nodded holding Negan's hand not wanting him to leave.

He takes a flashlight out. "Alright focus on my finger." He instructs as I do what he says as he flashes the light in my eyes. "Mild concussion." He says before he looks at the stitches on my forehead. "Deep laceration to your forehead." He says before he takes in more of my appearance. He closes the curtains before looking at me handing me a gown. "I need you to change into this for the rest of the exam. You'll only need to be in your undergarments. I'll be back in a few minutes." He says walking away.

Negan helps me up as helped me take off my clothes slowly. He looked at my body seeing bruises and cuts that were brand new. He helped putting the gown on before helping me lay down.

I see Dr. Carson walk in yet again. "Okay let's take a look." He says starting with my feet and ankles. "Your right ankle seems to have a severe sprain." He says before looking at my legs as I could see him take note of the bruises all over them. "Alright let's look at your chest and abdomen. He lifts the gown up seeing the other set of stitches. "It seems like you're growing an infection. We'll get you started on antibiotics today." He says before he continued his exam. He touched my collarbone lightly as I yelled in pain holding Negan's hand tighter. "Broken collarbone." He says. "Alright you will be on bed rest the next two weeks and will have to wear a sling for six weeks on top of it. I will start seeing you weekly to check your wounds and your progress in healing." He tells me. "Now get dressed and I'll grab a new bandage and antibiotics for your infection." He instructs before leaving the room again.

"I'll be out for almost two months Negan I can't do that." I tell him as he helped me get dressed.

"Doc's orders sweetheart." He says softly as he gently out my shirt on as I yelled in pain from my collarbone. "Sorry I know that must hurt like a bitch." He apologizes.

I shook my head laughing softly. "Don't apologize. I've been shot twice. This is nothing." I tell him.

Dr. Carson walked back in with a bottle of pills and a new bandages. He looked at Negan. "You will be taking care of her sir?" He asked.

"Yes I will." Negan says.

"Okay you will have to give her antibiotics everyday during every meal and change her bandage every morning. For her ankle it has to be elevated and put ice on it. For the first couple of days little to no weight bearing on her ankle. As for the collarbone she will need to be in a sling for the next six weeks and will be able to take it off to sleep and to take a shower. Lastly for the concussion keep an eye on her for the next couple days as well and her sleeping patterns." He explains. "Any questions?"

"No questions here Doc." He says.

He nods before looking at me. "Alright I'm going to clean your wound and put a new bandage on." He says as I nodded as he started to clean. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back taking deep breaths. He put the new bandage on as I opened my eyes as he put the sling over my shoulder putting my arm in it.

"Okay Angel you are all done and if you need anything please come by." He says.

"Thank you Doc." I say as he walked out and looked at Negan. "Okay you can take me to your room." I say seeing him smile before he picked me up bridal style before walking out heading up to his room.

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