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Allison's POV

As first light came around the next day we set out the knife kit I had found onto the car.

"Everybody takes a weapon." Rick tells everyone as he looked around.

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need. What about the guns?" Andrea asked.

"Last time I checked sound draws the walkers in so it's better to take these than the guns. We can't afford another loss because we decided to shoot a gun." I tell her as I see her defeated.

"Rick, Allison, Daryl and myself will be the only ones with guns." Shane tells everyone. "Allison is right we can't attract that herd back to us."

"Anyways the idea is to take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are she'll be by the creek. It's her only landmark." Daryl explains to all of us as I stood next to him.

"Stay quiet and stay sharp." Rick tells them.

"Keep space between you but always stay within sight of each other." I say before walking off to grab my bag I previously packed the night before.

I watched as my family were talking and see that Carl was grinning. Please don't get lost like Sophia too.

Daryl looked to watch the interaction between Dale and Andrea as I looked over as well. We watched as she started walking ahead leading us.

Once we hit the woods Daryl and myself walked side by side leading the whole group. As we walked a couple miles we all slowly approached what looked like an abandoned tent. Daryl and I walked ahead as the group stayed behind.

As we approached Daryl took the front and I took the side. I looked at Carol telling her to come forward.

"Call out softly. If she's in there yous is the first voice she should hear."

"Sophia, sweetie, are you in there? Sophia it's mommy. Sophia we're all here baby. It's mommy." Carol calls out.

Daryl and I walk closer to the entrance of the tent as we unzip it slowly as the both of us cough covering our noses. Daryl went in but I stayed out as I coughed from the smell of rotting flesh. Daryl walked out looking at the group. "It ain't  her."

"What's in there?" Andrea asked.

"Some guy. Did what Jenner said opted out. Ain't that what he called it?"

We all looked around hearing church bells ringing in the distance. Daryl and I looked at each other before rushing towards it as everyone followed behind us.

We stopped at a small intersection. "Which way?" Shane asked.

"I think that way. I'm pretty sure." Rick says heading towards the direction of the bells.

"Damn it's hard to tell out here."

"If we heard them maybe Sophia did too." Carol says looking at the men.

"Someone's ringing those bells maybe calling others." Glenn says.

"Or signaling they found her." Andrea chimes in.

"She could be ringing them herself." Rick suggests.

As we all kept running we approached a clearing that had a graveyard and a church in the middle.

"That can't be it. Got no steeple, no bells." Shane points out. "Rick." He calls out before he starts running towards it with all of us following.

We all ran to the front of the building as Rick and Daryl head up to the red doors signaling to be quiet as they opened the doors. Daryl and Rick only saw a few walkers which I stood next to them seeing the walkers turn looking at us.

I took my machete killing the bigger man as Rick got the other man and Daryl got the woman. I heard Rick call out for Sophia through the window.

"I'm telling you, it's the wrong church. It's got no steeple, Rick. There's no steeple." Shane says to Rick.

As the bells ring again we run outside and I noticed the box and shutting off the bells. "It's on a timer." I said as I looked up at the speaker.

We all headed inside needing a break as we sighed. Daryl and I looked at each other. "We need to keep looking before the sun is gone e again." I say softly as to not be rude to Carol praying.

"We're not interrupting this." He said quietly.

We watched as Carol walked out and everyone followed her. We stood under the tree watching Shane and Rick talk to each other before Shane walked over. "Y'all gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? Daryl and Allison you're in charge. Me and Rick were just gonna hang back search this area another hour or so just to be thorough."

"You're splitting us up. You sure about that?" I asked cautiously giving Rick a look in which he nodded.

"Yeah we'll catch up to you."

"I want to stay too." Carl spoke up for the first time in front of everyone. "I'm her friend."

There were looks exchanged before Lori looked at Carl. "Just be careful okay?"

"I will." He says looking up at his mom before they hugged.

There were exchange of guns before Daryl and I started to lead the group back to the interstate. It was a slower pace this time walking back as it seemed everyone was exhausted.

After a few miles of a walking a single gun shot rang out through the woods as we stopped for a split second. Daryl and I looked at each other. "A, don't. We can't loose you to these woods too."

I sighed as both Lori and I shared worried looks to one another. After almost making it to the interstate we were approached by a man and a woman on hostess. "Lori and Allison Grimes?" She asked.

"Who's asking?" I ask her.

"Rick sent me and my friend Jeremiah to find the both of you to bring you both back to the farm house. Carl has been shot." She says.

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