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Allison's POV

Keep running. Stay alive.

It had been hours of me running away from the walkers before I had found an a domed car getting in the trunk and shutting it. Luckily I was far away enough that none of the walkers could see me. I listened carefully as I heard the herd of walkers walk right past. It must've been hours before I could come out. Adrenaline was still coursing through my veins as I looked at my gun seeing it was useless. I curse to myself before my gun in its holster on my leg.

As I carefully opened the trunk a crack I looked around seeing no walkers and nothing in sight. It was clear. I opened the trunk more before I quietly got out. I started running down the road to the clearing up ahead. I was never a fan of running but damn was I good at it when the world ended.

When I approached the clearing I saw a few cars on both sides of the road. I ran up to the first one I saw as I could see it was tampered with. There was no one in sight and luckily the door was unlocked. I got under the wheel and hot wired the car easily as it started up with no problems. I got up sitting in the seat closing the door before I started to drive.

I had no where to go. My family was possibly dead and probably everyone was dead but I know deep inside that what I did might've saved their lives. After killing Shane, it's the least I can do.

As I opened the glovebox I saw a map of every road. Luckily I knew how to read it. Best idea for me is to go North and get the hell out of the South. I marked every highway I needed to take and what turns were necessary. I started the car beginning my journey.

Stay Alive.


After a couple days my car had run out of gas in North Carolina. I know I'm in the woods still but it had started to get cooler somehow. I ended up in front of a gas station and started to look around. I was starving and thirsty. I walked inside the convenience store within the gas station as I looked around. I didn't hear any walkers so I proceeded to find some protein bars, chocolate, some candy and trail mix. I looked in the back with my machete in hand. I ended up finding two gallons of water hidden away.

As I entered the front part of the store I looked around finding an old back pack as I put the food into it and a gallon of water. I carried the other gallon in my hand as I slung the backpack on. I headed out the store and walked down the road to find a new car.

It had been maybe three or four miles before I found an untouched car again getting the same results as my first car. This car though had some warm blankets which I needed as the winter was coming quickly. I put it on my lap as I started driving down the road yet again.

When night approached I pulled the car over shutting it off along with the lights and locking all the doors and windows. I laid on the floor in the back so nothing could see me along with putting a blanket over top of me. I ate a protein bar as I knew I needed to ration my food and drank a little bit of my water. My mind wondered back to my group. I hope they survive. Did I do the right thing? Is there anything else I could have done? I should have gone looking for them. I should have stayed like Daryl wanted me to. Please be safe.

I closed my eyes as I let sleep take over my aching tired body and silencing my mind.


When the next day came around it must've been around ten in the morning. I think I fell asleep at eight last night. Damn I was exhausted. Time to eat then get back on the road.

Once I finished eating I got back into the driver's seat hot wiring the car to start again which was a success. I pulled onto the road as I kept my same direction until I hit Virginia. I probably would've kept going North if I didn't see the signs for a town called Alexandria. I was curious and decided to drive towards where all the signs wanted me to go.

I eventually put my car into park as I stepped out of my car grabbing my bag and water. I started to walk up to this gigantic steel walls and men doing security.

One of the men yelled. "Stop right there! What do you want?" He asked.

I looked at him. "I need safe sanctuary. I followed the signs and I parked my car down the road some and it says you take in people. I've been on the road for a while and I just lost everything I knew." I say swallowing the lump in my throat. "I just need to find something new." I tell him.

He nods as I watched the gate open walking in. I looked around in awe at the community. It was a little untouched place within this fucked up world.

I watched a smaller older women walked over to me. "Welcome to Alexandria. My name is Deanna Monroe and I am the leader here. Before we can go any further please turn in your weapons." She explains as I took out my gun, knife and machete handing it to a bigger woman watching her walk away. "Please follow me. I would like to talk to you first and the. We'll get you all settled in."

I followed the older woman to a bigger house as she lead me inside and to what I presume is her office. I took everything in especially the camera. I hadn't seen one of those in a while that had to be working.

I heard her walk in. "May I have your name please?"

"Allison. Allison Grimes." I told her.

"It's nice to meet you Allison. You're safe here now. You mind if I film this interview with you?"

"Go ahead."

I hear her camera start recording as I looked at the chair taking a seat.

"How long have you been out?" She asked.

"Since the beginning. My brother's best friend took me out of the city before it got bombed."

"Did you have a group before?"

"I did. We were at a farm and um a herd of walkers was tearing through it. I told-" I paused looking down keeping the tears back.

"It's okay Allison take your time."

I took a deep breath. "I told someone close to me. His name is Daryl I told him to take care of my friend Carol and I told the same to her about him. I ran off drawing this herd away shooting my gun and making sure it didn't go towards the interstate. I hid in the trunk of the car and I didn't turn back. It was too dangerous for me to go back so I decided to go forward and continue surviving."

She smiles. "That was very courageous of you. You know I was a congresswoman in Ohio I understand all the ins and outs of what is right and wrong. It seems you do too. May I ask what your job was before?"

"I was a cop. More specifically I was an undercover and homicide cop."

"So you knew who the good and bad people were just by looking at them?"

"Looking at them and how they talked."

I watch her stand up. "Let's get you a house and some new clothes. We do have electricity here and have running water so please feel free to take your time." She tells me before she shuts the camera off. "As for your new role here I will assign you that tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the day and relax you are safe."

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