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Allison's POV

As the following day came along Rick and his group made their way to the satellite outpost during the afternoon. This gave me time to make sure everything was set before I snuck out of Alexandria through the wall heading to grab my masks and jacket. I found it putting on everything before I went walking towards the outpost.

As the night came around I saw the RV and other cars parked on the road. I watched a group of Saviors approach me before they kneeled. I grabbed the female leader showing her the two women. She nodded as they made a plan before taking the two women. They were tied before they walked in the woods I went to the RV and climbed its ladder getting a good point of view of this attack.

I watched before I could see a figure look at me as I tilted my head. As the figure was about to shine a light on me I went and hung off the other side of the RV until I dropped silently. I heard the female savior come back as I went with them. I stayed further back until the sun started to rise.

I killed two walkers before walking to the group. I looked at the female before I nodded towards Rick's small group handing her a walkie.

"Who are you?" I heard Carol ask.

I turned my attention to Maggie and Carol slowly walking towards them. I circled Maggie first then I circled Carol before standing in front of them. I took out a notepad writing on it. 'We will meet again before I tell you." I wrote showing them.

"Are you Negan?" Maggie asked.

I shook my head no before writing. 'I am the Angel of Death. You just massacred my outpost. Negan and I work together.' I showed them.

I could see their faces turn white before I wrote something else. 'Don't worry I'll get my revenge. Not today and not tomorrow but in the future you'll regret this.' I showed them.

I looked at the blonde woman writing on the piece of paper. 'Take them to the kill house by the tracks. They try to escape kill them.' I showed her before I see her nod taking them away.

I looked across the way seeing Rick, Daryl and Glenn look lost as they didn't know what to do before I did the Savior's whistle getting their attention. I waved my hand showing them 'See you soon.' Written on a piece of paper before I walked off into the woods.

I headed back towards the RV and cars as I slashed a hole in each of the cars except the RV. I saw a walker and killed it. I used the blood to write on the RV 'Negan knew you were coming.'

I ran off into the woods taking my path I usually took to sneak back into Alexandria. This time though I didn't stop to bury the masks and jacket. I ran back in and got on the walkie talkie.

"Negan you there?" I asked.

"I'm here. Did you make your mark?" He asked.

"I did. They thought I was you." I chuckled.

"Good job sweetheart. Let's say tomorrow I'll have road blocks up so they can't get to hilltop or anywhere. They'll be forced to go through the woods on foot and we'll have our line up." He tells me.

"I'll go with them and right before the trap I will put on the masks and you can call me out of the woods. They'll get a proper introduction."

"You know I will have to kill one of them for doing what they did." He tells me.

"I know and I'm prepared. I won't be weak out there."

"Good. Now go act like you've been in Alexandria since they left." He tells me.

I said goodbye and turned off the walkie talkie putting everything in the bag waiting for tomorrow.

As the afternoon was coming by I see the RV drive in as I walked towards it. "How'd it go?" I asked Rick.

"They're all dead. Negan knows and he could be planning something." He tells me.

I looked at the side of the RV looking at the blood. "Who wrote that?" I asked stepping closer.

"Angel of Death. Carol and Maggie got spooked by him when they were captured. He said that he worked with Negan. Did you know about that?" He asked.

"I mean all I knew was he lived in the forest and went to each community. I didn't know he worked for Negan that's actually brand new to me."

"Why?" He asked deadly.

"Because he always brought us supplies and left it at the gate. Right before you came he just disappeared. I thought he might've died or something."

He nods. "You okay? Everything hold up here?"

"I'm still angry with you so yeah I'm okay. Everything was good here no problems." I told him.

I looked at Maggie. "Hey you okay? You don't look too well." I say walking as to help Glenn take her to the infirmary.

"One of those saviors kicked me in the stomach a couple times. Carol tried to get them to stop but she couldn't." She says as Glenn and I laid her on the table gently. "I think the baby is dead."

"Don't say that Maggie. Your baby is just fine and we will get you some medicine. If not we need to take you to Hilltop. I hear there's a doctor there." I told them.

"She's right if you get worse we have to take you there." Glenn tells her.

"Let's keep an eye on her through the night if she gets worse we'll have to move her or neither of them will survive." I tell both of them.

Glenn nods before I headed out of the room to see Rick standing there. "Is she going to be okay?" He asked.

"I don't know I'm not a doctor but if she gets worse we need to move her to Hilltop where there's an actual doctor." I tell him.

"Glenn is with her?" He asked.

"Yes he is with her now. You can go in." I tell him as I watched him walk past me to her room.

God tomorrow is going to be a shit show.

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