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Allison's POV

The next day we had a service and burial for Dale. The mood was somber as we all felt the lost of Dale. Rick wanted to do things the way Dale would as a way to honor him. I couldn't agree more. These last few weeks were chaos and nothing but lost. Hershel moved us into his house we started guard duty on the boy and the house. Daryl and I were in charge of the boy. Daryl decided to take the first shift while I helped around the house getting everything set up.

After a few hours I took my shift at the shed walking in. I sat in there staring at him. I was quiet but he didn't know I was there as he was fighting his handcuffs. "You know it's nearly impossible to get out of handcuffs the way you do it." I tell him. "As a cop who's been in and out of handcuffs a dozen times this is just sad."

"Ma'am please I don't want any more trouble."

"I know but I don't care anymore." I say as I see Shane walk in. I walk over to him. "What are you doing in here?" I asked.

He looks at me with darkness in his eyes. "I'm sorry about this Allison please forgive me." He says as he takes the butt of his gun hitting me over the head with it. The next thing I felt was darkness all around me.


I woke up a few hours later to someone holding my face. My head was throbbing as I opened my eyes seeing Rick and Daryl look at me concerned. I tried to reach for my head feeling myself being handcuffed.

"Allison what happened?" Rick asks.

"One minute I was watching him then someone walked in hitting me in the head. Now I just woke up handcuffed with a massive headache." I tell him as they took the handcuffs off of me leading me out of the shed.

"Who the hell would do this to her?" Rick asked.

"Who do you think?" Daryl says as he looked at me seeing I was okay.

"We have to look for him." I tell the both of them. "We have to kill him. I know you had other plans but he's attacked."

"Rick!" I heard as Shane emerged from the woods with blood all over his face. "He's armed!" He yelled.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He's got my gun!" Shane yells walking towards us.

"Are you okay?" Carl asked.

"I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face." Shane tells us.

"All right Hershel, T-Dog get everybody back in the house." Rick says looking back at everyone. "Glenn, Daryl and Allison come with us."

We all walked into the woods. Shane was leading the way. "I saw him head up through the trees that way before I blacked out." He says pointing in one direction. "I'm not sure how long."

"He couldn't have gotten far." Rick says. "He's hobbled exhausted."

"And armed." Glenn points out.

"So are we." Rick says. "Can you track him?" He asks Daryl.

"No I don't see nothing." Daryl says looking around at the ground.

"Hey look there ain't no use in tracking him okay? We went that way we need to pair up. We spread out we just chase him down. That's it." Shane says.

"Kid weighs a buck-25 soaking wet. You trying to tell us he got the jump on you?" Daryl asks suspiciously.

"I say a rock pretty much evens those odds wouldn't you?"

"All right knock it off. You and Glenn start heading up the right flank. Me, Allison and Shane will take the left. Remember Randall isn't the only threat out there." Rick tells Daryl.

Daryl gives me a questioning look as. I nodded telling him it was fine.

Shane, Rick and I started heading towards the left flank looking around. I felt uneasy, my head thankfully starting to feel better. I looked to Shane seeing his wounds might be self-inflicted.

As the sun went down we still looked in the dark. Not being able to see much but the sooner we find him the sooner this is all over. I watched as the two men talked ahead of me before Shane glanced back at me as if he forgot I was there. I can see his head turn back forward as we reached a clearing towards a field. I looked back to see Shane pull out his gun as him and Rick stared at each other.

"So this is where you planned to do it?" Rick asked.

"It's a good place as any." Shane says.

"You gonna kill Allison too? So she doesn't say anything?" He asked.

"If anything I might kill her first and make you watch then I'll kill you."

"Don't touch her Shane. It doesn't have to be this way brother."

"Yeah it does."

"You think anyone is going to believe the bullshit story you tell them if Allison and I don't show up. You think they'll make you their leader?"

"There ain't no story. I saw that prisoner shoot you down so I ran after him. I snapped his neck. It ain't gonna be easy. Everyone will get over you guys. "

I hear Shane aim it at Rick before I ran in front of Rick. "Wait please." I said giving him pleading eyes. "If this is the last time I'm going to see my brother and his best friend I want a hug from both of you." I say as tears filled my eyes as Shane lowered his gun.

I looked back at Rick giving him a hug as I slipped his knife taking it. I looked up at him smiling softly. "We'll be okay." I said softly before I hid the knife it the sleeve of my jacket.

I stepped back before I looked at Shane. I walked up to Shane as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry." I say softly as I took the knife from my sleeve stabbing him in the heart as a gun shot hit the ground behind me. I watched as Shane gurgled blood as he fell on the ground.

I looked back at Rick as blood was all over my hands and my clothes. "You didn't have to kill him Allison. I could've talked to him. I could've made him let you go." He says growing more upset. "He could still be living! This is your fault!" He yelled.

"Rick I-"

"No!  I want you gone!"

I nodded as I start walking towards the house. I see Carl. "Aunt Alli what happened?" He asked.

"Ask your father." I say softly as I kept walking. As I approached the house I could see Daryl outside.

He ran up to me. "What happened?" He asks.

"Shane made the whole thing up. He was going to kill Rick and I but I-I killed him." I explain softly. "Rick wants me gone."

Daryl turned me around showing the herd approaching as I watched Rick and Carl run to the barn.

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