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Allison's POV

As the next day came around I hid my bag in a little hidden place in the wall in my closet before I got ready for the day. I headed downstairs eating a quick breakfast before I unlocked my door seeing Daryl and Rick. I rolled my eyes at the two of men.

"Allison we need to talk." Rick says as I walked past them ignoring them as I started to do my morning checks.

"Allison." Rick says this time only hearing him "would you stop for a minute?" He asked raising his voice.

I turned around quickly. "No!" I yelled. "You don't want your best man to be weak so you made him hurt me. Me your little sister." I say shaking my head. "I get it I disappeared for two years but Jesus Rick I am your own blood same as Carl. I don't deserve to be treated like I don't matter. Like nothing I do matters." I say angry. "I remember you were the one that said you needed your little sister but now look at us. Shit I should've told Shane to let me die that day he came and got me out of Atlanta if I knew this shit was going to happen." I say starting to walk the perimeter.

"You don't mean any of that." Rick says.

"I do Rick. My life was just fine here until you showed up acting like a feral animal wanting things done your way. That's how it's always been since we were kids. After Shane you made sure I couldn't date anyone or have any once of happiness with someone else." I said before looking at him. "Stop controlling my life and who I want to be with. You keep this shit up you're going to have bigger problems." I say looking in his eyes before I shook my head. I walked away done of his hearing his shit.

As I finished doing my morning checks I headed back up to my porch reading a book. I heard footsteps come up the stairs and sit next to me. I didn't bother looking but I had feeling it was Daryl.

"A, you don't have to answer but I just need to talk to you." Daryl starts as I continued reading my book. "When Rick came to your house and saw me open the door he wanted me to end things to protect the both of us. I know it was stupid of me to do and I regret it."

I put my book down. "Do you remember when I tried to do that at the farm and you told me I didn't think about your feelings. You just did it back to me after I just found you." I pause. "You and Rick have no right to dictate my feelings anymore. I don't trust both of you anymore and I sure as hell don't want to keep talking to either of you." I say getting up and looking at him. "So get off my porch and don't bother coming back here." I said coldly as I headed inside closing my door behind me.


As the next few weeks came around. Rick and Pete fought, Pete killed Deanna's husband which made Rick kill Pete, Rick's old friend showed up, A herd came through in which killed all the Andersons, Carl lost his eye, Rick discovered the other communities wanting to beat Negan. Little did Rick know I had already informed Negan of his plans.

"Sweetheart I can show up at your doorstep and bring you back with me. I miss you here and I need to keep safe." Negan says through the radio.

I smiled. "You know I can handle myself. These guys don't know anything and if you show up taking me they'll be suspicious." I tell him as I felt like a teenager. My feelings have been growing for Negan each week and I admit that I missed him.

"I know sweetheart. They're getting close to the satellite outpost and by the sounds of it they want me dead to send a message." Negan tells me.

"Honestly he wants to kill everyone there and you. If you let them attack it can give you a better reason to get me back with you. If they kill more men than you're comfortable with we can set up a trap and do a line up." I suggest.

"God this is why you're my wife. Okay I'll let them attack and if they kill too much we can do a line up and you can come with me. Won't your brother try to kill you?" He asked.

"That's where they'll get to meet the Angel of Death. You can bring me out or I can already be with you. It's your choice." I said.

"It'll be better if you could come out the woods somewhere. Looks more badass." He chuckles.

"Hey Negan I want Rick and all of them to feel what they did to me. How much pain they put me through." I tell him.

"It will be done. I will make sure of it." Negan says. "It's late sweetheart get some rest I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night Allison."

"Good night Negan." I said softly. I turned the walkie off before putting it back in its original spot before heading to sleep.

As the next day came around I was woken up by a knock on the door. I walked downstairs and opened the door seeing Glenn.

"Hey Allison sorry to bother you so early in the morning but Rick wants numbers on who is all going tomorrow."

"What's going on? What thing tomorrow?" I asked confused.

"Uh Negan's satellite outpost. Rick wanted me to come ask since I guess you two fell out."

"Well as much as I would love to go someone has to keep this place safe." I said with a smile.

Glenn nodded. "Okay I'll let Rick go." He says starting to walk away.

"Hey Glenn." I say before he got off the porch. "Congratulations to both you and Maggie. I hope your baby is healthy. You'll make a great father."

He smiles and walks back up hugging me and I hugged him back. "Thank you Allison. If anything happens-" He says softly before I interrupted him.

"Don't Glenn. I know you, you'll come out just fine from this." I say pulling away looking at him. "Go let Rick know and if you ever need anything you know where to find me."

He nods walking away as I headed inside closing the door behind me. I walked upstairs grabbing the walkie talkie turning it on. "Negan come in."

"Allison what's wrong? Did something happen?" I heard Negan asked.

"They're going for the satellite outpost tomorrow. Daryl blew up one of the patrols from what I've been hearing."  I tell him. "Do you want me to go or stay out of it?" I asked.

"I know about the patrol already. Don't go with them but have the Angel of Death be there watching. My people know not to touch you and to bow to you when approached. Give them a scare before tithe line up sweetheart." He tells me.

"Okay I can do that. We'll see each other soon." I say before turning the walkie talkie off.

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