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Hey guys, whats up? Liking the story so far?? Well the first chapter was a bit too short i thought so i this chapter is a bit longer than that. And i would have updated this chapter earlier but its hard when you have two elder annoying brothers acting like 2 year olds xD ...but any way here it is so plzz read, vote, comment and stick around for the next one.And sorry for any mistakes ;P . Bye Tc and i love u guys. =)

Brianna's P.O.V

Well for those of you who dont know this lovely human, lemme tell you. She is like the yin yang. Good and Evil, both resides in her heart. She can be the most stupid yet the most smartest person alive, depending on the situation. Basically its all up to her current mood. She can either give you the time of your life or make you regret the day you were born. Trust me. I have seen both the sides of this feisty 50 pounds girl...well not exactly 50 but you know what iam trying to say.

"Iam fine. How are you doing??" i asked her.

"Oh God! Forget about me gurl. You look like shit though!! What happened to you? You okay?" she gasped. Well yeah i can say she looks concerned.

"Wow. Thanks for making me feel so special Mimi. Really appreciate it." i answered with a bored expression.

"Ahaa!!" she exclaimed and grinned widely. "Thats the sarcastic Bri that i know. I've missed her. And Jenny (Bri's mom) please tell me you have some of those choco-chip pancakes left cuz iam really very hungry." she pleaded with almost puppy eyes and a cute little pout, Her classic way of getting someone to do something for her.

"Yes i have but how do you that i made those for breakfast? You are not spying on our house now are you?" mom laughed.

"Nope. Not yet at least. But i know that the only thing which can get Bri in a good mood and that to early in the morning is your delicious stack of chocolaty and pancakeky decadence." she stated dreamily.

"Thats not even a word Mimi."

"It is for me" she answered stubbornly, which reminds of a small kid.This made me think...will my baby as stubborn as her aunt? Or she will be calm and composed like her grandma? Wait a minute...did i just say SHE?? Wow, i think that i just now realized that i desire a daughter. Hmm...but whatever it is, i just want a healthy and a-

"Heard anything from him??" Mimi hesitantly asked.

I knew exactly whom she meant by "Him".

"No. I haven't. I would like to keep it that way please." i answered sternly and shortly.

"Oh ok. And anyway Bri fuck him. You don't need-" she began to weakly console me. Honestly she really did not know how bad she was at it.

"GIRLS!!!" my mom yelled. Oops, i know where this is going.


"Sorry Jenny, but i don't get it. How can the baby hear when it is not even out yet?" Mimi asked like an innocent child. Haha

"They do. Its a gift from the god. Thats how they acquire a little bit of their characteristics and morals. Wait till you become a mother yourself, then you will understand it." my mom explained.

"Yay, i cant wait for it." my overly sarcastic bff answered.

"Anyway girls, iam going to the market to get some groceries cuz there is nothing left in the pantry-"

"But what if i feel hungry again??" "But you were suppose to go to a meeting right now" Mimi and i cut off mom and asked.

"-yes thats where i was going. My meeting got postponed so its all good."

I nodded at the given information.

"and i made some breakfast sandwiches for you both hungry beasts so you dont have a reason to enter my precious kitchen. And Mia try not to burn my house down this time ok?" my mom added teasingly.

"Haww!! That was just one time guys." Mimi exclaimed, embarrassed.

"One time does count Mimi." i said ganging up with my mom who gave me a high-five.

"Whatever." she accepted her defeat and we all laughed.

"Ok enough of the jokes. Now listen to me carefully. Take care of each other. And call me if something happens and-"

"and dont let any stranger in. Dont fight and kill each other. Dont mess the house up and be careful." i completed my mom everyday drill of DO's and DONT's for her with a smile.

My mom smiled in return and kissed both of us goodbye.

Mimi sighed loudly, "Jenny dosn't trust us at all does she?" she joked.

"yup. Its just that she-" i got cut off by my mobile blasting my ringtone.

"Its Jenny." informed Mimi.

Thoughts were running through my mind and not the good kind as i picked up the call.

"Hi sweetie and yes iam fine nothing happened. i just wanted to tell you that the meeting i was telling you about, it got preponed so i have to leave for my office right now. So can you and Mia go pick up the groceries. Please??"

I sighed in relief that she is fine and answered her question.

"Sure mom. We can do that. You go on with your meeting."

"Thanks dear. The items list is on the counter in the kitchen. Just go according to that. ok? Bye and i love you both" she spoke in rushed tone.

"Ok mom. Bye and we love you too."

"Alright Mimi, its time for us to get something done" i told her.

"What?? You are not having your baby right now are you??" she asked horrified.

I laughed, "No silly, i still have 4 months to go."

"Then??" she asked confusingly.

"Get in the car, i will tell you."

We got in the car and drove to our local grocery supply store and i told Mimi about my mom's call on the way. Once we reached we stared picking up the things from the list until the war began and by that i mean...

"No it says just corn."

"Yeah so it can be corn flakes or canned corn or fresh corn or frozen corn." stated Mimi.

"No we dont use any of that stuff. It means fresh corn. Like the one on the cob."

"Nooooo. How do you know what she meant?? Iam telling you it corn flakes." she argued.

And being the clever person that iam, i suggested to call my mom and ask her what exactly she wanted.

"Ok. Go ahead and call Jenny while i go pee."

"What?? We just left home Mimi." i asked a lil shocked on how small can her bladder be.

"I have a bladder of a squirrel. I need to release my wastes, so buh-bye." well that answered my question.

She took her journey towards the washroom, i was stuck here. Hmm, aren't i suppose to pee alot and not her? ahh...never mind. I began dialing my mom's number when the phone accidentally slipped from my hand and fell on the floor.

"Fuck...oops...i mean dang it!" now what do i do? Now iam not that lazy that i cant bend down to pick it up, but its hard when your tummy is not the normal size, do you feel me? Of course you dont, cuz iam the one who is pregnant. Huh. So with all my strength i started bending down when i heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey hey. Hold up. Lemme get that for you." i've never heard that voice before and turned around to get a proper view of the owner of the voice or should i say, manly voice.

And what i saw had me like , "Holy Moly, he is HOT."

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