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I woke up with the biggest smile on my face as the events of yesterday night came to my mind. It was the best time of my life. It felt as if everything was right. Everything seemed more beautiful. Iam so lucky to have a guy like Eric in my life. With him, everything seemed perfect and fine. I couldn't have asked for anything more. It was as if i was blessed with this moment. I just love Him sooo much that its unbelievable.

After having all of my thoughts together i decided to open my eyes and take the wonderful life that waiting ahead for me in.

I woke up and turned on my side, cuz all i wanted to do right now was to rest in Eric's arm. Nothing more beautiful then waking up beside the love of your life right? But what i saw, was not something i expected. He was not there beside me, in fact he was not there in my room at all. Dont panic Bri. Yeah i mean, he did this often. When ever we would cuddle and sleep, he would often wake up early and make me some breakfast. Something which made me love him even more.

But the next weird thing was that his clothes were no where to be found. Like all other hot guys out there, he also liked to show off his toned and 'to die for' abs and moved around in just shorts. So where are his clothes? ...Well probably he dint feel like cooking and went out to get me food. Yeah that makes sense right. So i decided to take a good shower and wait for him to come back home.

1 hour had passed and i was still waiting for him. I was getting tensed now. What if he is in trouble? or hurt?? What if he needs me?

Fear was taking over me. So i quickly dialed his number but was highly disappointed when the phone was off. I tried calling him multiple times. But there was no answer from the other side. All sorts of negative thoughts started building up in my head. I dint know what to do.

I called Mimi and asked her about Eric but she told me that the last time she saw him was when he was with me yesterday. Then i called Oliver and a couple more of his friends, But they all said the same thing, that they don't know anything about his whereabouts. I started feeling numb now. My negative thoughts were killing me. Next i called his mom. Me and Eric's  mom were in really good terms. She always wanted a daughter and i kind of fulfilled her wish.

"Hello Mrs. Williams. Is Eric home?" i asked his mom, trying to keep my voice composed cuz i dint want her to worry too much.

"Well hello to you too Brianna dear. Eric? No he is not here, but i thought he was with you." she sounded confused. Fuck...if he is not home, then where is he. I really hope he is OK.

"Oh alright. He might be with his friends i guess. I will call them and ask. Thank you, take care." i tried to sound normal, concealing my real emotions.

I dint know what to do. Oh god. I called Mimi over, cuz i was freaking out way too much right now.
"You need to calm down Bri. He is probably just running some errand and will be back soon. You should stop worrying soo much." Mimi said in a calm tone, looking least bothered.

"Calm down?? Mimi, Eric has been missing for 5 fucking hours, and you expect me to not freak out." i yelled at her, feeling angry at her uninterested behavior.

"Iam trying to help you relax a little bit OK?? Don't get all mad at me." Mimi said, annoyed.

I let out a long sigh. "Yes i know. Iam sorry. Iam just- Iam just scared." i said in a small voice.

"Its ok Bri. I get it. But why are you scared?? Its not the first time he is gone with out telling anyone anything." she said sounding confused.

"Yes. But i dunno. I just have a weird feeling about all of this. It seems as if something bad is about to happen. I dunn-"

"Come on Bri. Nothing is gonna happen. He will come back. He is probably planning some cheesy surprise for you. Don't worry. And lets watch some movies. He will call you later." Mimi finished with a smile which calmed my heart a little.

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