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Chris's P.O.V

As I was engulfed in my own thoughts, I heard James call out for the doctor.

"Doctor...Is Brianna OK??" It was not Sam. It was the other doctor, the one who yelled at us to get out of the room.

"Yes...She is fine..."  We all took a breath of relief.

"...But..." Oh no. Now what?

"...It's not normal, for her to faint like that. I mean ladies do get dizzy around this time due to low blood pressure. But fainting...That's not common, which means it's not good. And it looks like she hasn't been eating well either. Girls these days worry too much about their weight and appearance. They forget that they have to eat for two people now. Dieting is not an option during pregnancy. The baby and the mother could be in serious danger because of lack of food and energy. Is any one of you related to her? Husband...boyfriend...brother...father...uncle...???"

We all looked at one another. We didn't know how to answer this question.

"We...we all are her close relatives. Why? What is it?" James said. I don't know why he dint say that he was her father...

"...Ahaan...OK...great..." She gave us a suspecting look.

"...Well, she is still unconscious, giving me the idea that her body didn't get adequate amounts of rest this past couple of days or weeks or months. Who knows. Do you know of anything that might be troubling her? Any problems or issues stuck in her head?? Something that is worrying her???"

We looked at each other again. Not sure how to answer this either. We all just nodded lightly, making the doctor even more suspicious.

"Look...I don't know who you all are...but you all seem very..."

"Dr. Ruby..!! It's OK. I will take it from here. Thank you." Sam came in and stopped her from completing her sentence. By the look Sam was giving her made it seem like Dr. Ruby was her junior. 

Dr. Ruby gave us one last look and then walked away.

"I am sorry about her. She can get little...you know. Anyway. But what all she said was true. Bri's blood pressure was quite low and her body seemed very weak, internally and externally. She needs to take care of her food intake. Has she been taking any prenatal vitamins??" 

James and Beck looked at me. I guess they expected me to know the answer because compared to them, I spend more time with her. Which makes sense...kind of.

"I am not sure..."

"It's OK. I will ask Jenny or Brianna when she wakes up. Which brings me to the next topic of discussion. I don't know what is going on her life, but it needs to stop. Because from the look of it, it seems that her body hasn't got rest since ages. Her body just shut down. Whatever that is worrying her has to end. Or else she will be too weak for the child birth and that can complicate a lot of things. So just make sure she stays calm and whatever is troubling her, resolves. Just try to clear her mind. Keep her cheery and happy. You obviously can't take her out because she is in her last month..."

What??? She was not supposed to leave her house this month...Why didn't we know about this... 

And I guess our expressions gave away our thoughts to Sam.

"...wait...she was not...she was not out right now was she???" We tried to look anywhere but her.

"...Are you guys crazy? How can you let her roam around outside like that? It's her last month for God sake..." She yelled...but softly.

"...Do you know how lucky she is that nothing happened to her? She fell to the ground. What if she had hit her head or her womb. How can you guys be so irresponsible?? How can she be so irresponsible??? I swear that girl is going to drive me crazy..." Sam was now walking to and fro talking, yelling, screaming and breathing heavily.

"...anyway. From now on, she is not leaving her house. She will take complete rest and eat as much as she can, but healthy. She is going to do some normal walking and exercise to make the delivery easier. But that's it. Nothing more than that. No getting out. No running around. No taking tension. No overthinking. Nothing that can harm her or the baby. Or else I will find each and every one of you and strangle you in your sleep. Do you understand????" 

She was looking at us with her narrowed eyes and pointed her finger towards our direction. Not gonna lie, she really did frighten us. 

We all nodded again.

"OK great. You guys can see her now." Her mood changed a full 180 degree and she gave us a huge smile and walked towards Bri's room. 

Even though I was somewhat scared to look at her right now, I was still dying to meet her. So we all rushed to her room. She was lying down on the bed with drips attached to her right hand. Her eyes still shut. Skin still pale. 

All I wanted to do was run towards her and hold her in my arms to never let go, but I was trying my best to control myself and let James go first. 

I know that the Eric situation is out of our hand, so her worrying about him makes sense. But the fact that she was not taking care of herself was driving me insane. I wanted to scream at her for neglecting her health like that. I mean, if I could, I would stay with her to make sure that she is eating well, sleeping well and taking care of herself. Except...unfortunatly I can't do that. But I so wish I could.

By the time James and Beck were done meeting Bri, Jenny had come to meet her, followed by Mimi. And I was still standing in that one corner of her room, waiting for my turn.

Mimi finally left. And I saw Bri trying to open her eyes now. She tried to sit up.

"Hey hey, Sunshine. Take it easy." I helped her sit up a little.

"How long was I out for?" She asked as she looked around.

"For a couple of hours. Not long. You fainted in the park. So we brought you here." 

"Oh OK." 

I had made up my mind to yell at her about her poor health condition and how careless she is with her body, but those eyes, those lips, that face...made me forget all of my anger. So I did what seemed best. I hugged her. Softly yet tightly.

She hugged me back and nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck. 

This feeling of having some one you care about...someone you can't live without...someone you love, so close to you that you can basically hear their heartbeat gives you a type of peace that you can't find elsewhere. The feeling of holding them in your arms...is just indescribable. All of the negative thoughts in your head, all of the worries, all of the anger, everything just drains away. And you start feeling so light and at so much ease. This is the feeling that everyone should look forward to at the end of the day. Being with someone who can give you incomparable tranquility. Having someone in your life who can calm your heart at such a rate seems dangerous but also beautiful. 

We stayed like that for quite a while. I pulled back to say everything that was going on in my head and heart. But Bri shut me up by saying...

"I know...I know" She scooted over and asked me to join. I shook my head saying it was a bad idea. But she just looked at me and connoted towards the empty space beside her. 

I slid in slowly making sure to leave enough room for her. Thankfully the bed was big enough to fit both of us perfectly. It seemed weird at first. But then Bri slowly snuggled into me keeping her head on my chest and her hand around my torso. She gave me a small peck on my cheek and closed her eyes. 

My heart was doing summersaults inside my chest right now. This feeling was so strange yet familiar. Her body felt so warm against mine. There was a faint fragrance of vanilla and coconut coming off of her. 

Her breathing became slow and I could now hear tiny snores.  Without saying another word, I pulled her close and wrapped my hand around her and drifted into the best sleep of my life.


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