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Chris's P.O.V

After getting Bri's call, i instantly knew that she needed me. I mean of course she needed me as a ride home, but she emotionally also needed me. I quickly got back into my car and drove to the restaurant i dropped her off at. 

She was waiting outside. I saw her and tried to read her expression. But it went in vain, because her face was totally blank. Devoid of all emotions. Which made it hard for me to guess her mental state right now.

I stopped my car right in front of her because i expected Bri to walk towards my car, but she never moved. It was as if she was lost in her own thoughts to even notice me. So i got out of the car and walked to her. I cupped her face ever so gently,

"Hey sunshine. Iam here. Should we leave?" I said softly.

She got a little startled, proving my point from earlier. She was lost in her thoughts. She looked at me and immediately wrapped her arms tightly around me. In reflex i hugged her too. And we just stood there. Then i noticed that she was not crying. She was not doing anything. Well i don't know if that's a good thing or bad. Because she is just expressionless right now. Oh God! i hope she is fine.

I pulled away, not knowing what to say. I don't know the situation right now, so i don't know what to say. Should i say to 'keep calm'? But she looks super calm that iam actually scared. Should i say that 'its going to be OK'? But iam not sure if it will so that's a bad idea. Do i say that its-

"I don't want to go home." She suddenly said, pulling me out of my stupid thoughts.

"Wait...What? Why??" I asked, feeling confused.

"Cuz, my mom is going to be there. She will ask me too many questions. And i don't think iam ready to answer them right now." She replied staring into nowhere.

"Oh...OK. Sure." I said as i walked her to the car. We both got in and i drove off. To where?? I don't know.

The car was awfully silent. Don't know if its good or bad. Seeing Bri like this was really making me nervous and sort of scared...for her. I mean, in her last month, she should stay away from stress and tension. But the exact opposite is happening right now. I hope she is fine. I don't want her or the baby go get in trouble because of this. Its not safe. Fuck!!!! I wish i could help her out. Iam so useless right now.

I don't even know what happened back there. So i turned around to ask Bri about it, but she was already sound asleep. This made me remind of the night we slept together. No no no...I mean shared a bed. Just a bed. Yeah...my stupid mind. She looked so beautiful, now and then. Long thick lashes against her pale yet perfect skin. And that day, the sun rays that fell on her face, made her skin look even beautiful. Lips so pink and plump. Her arms all wrapped around me. She smelled like vanilla and strawberry. And honestly, it was so hard for me to stop myself from just holding her face and kissing the hell out of her...too rough? Well, if you could see her like i did, you would know. She is just like a Goddess. So pretty and flawless.

Which actually brings me to the thought, I dint think that she would actually come and help me sleep that night. I thought she would straight away deny and go back to her own room. But she didn't. She stayed. She actually stayed and made sure i slept good. That day, when i woke up, i realized that this was the best sleep of my entire life, after the horrible incident of course. I always had nightmares about that day. Mom screaming in pain, Little princess crying, Dad yelling. All of it was still fresh in mind. And it kept haunting me, Specially at night. Only Beck knew about it. So he would help me sleep. Now don't get me wrong. We both are perfectly straight. Nothing like that. So when Beck heard me yell he immediately came in my room and woke me up. We were teens, so it kind of freaked him out. He sternly asked for an explanation. So i told the truth and since then he decided to help me. We got myself a bigger bed, and he shifted into my room. Leaving the other for guests. Now we dint cuddle or anything, but having someone present beside me just calmed me down a little. There is just so much that Beck has done for me, that it is impossible to repay him, in any way. Its just too much. I love that guy a lot. He is the only brother i have. And that's fine. Because he is the full pack.

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