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Brianna's P.O.V

Today dint seem like my day. I usually am not a light sleeper,  but today i just kept waking up, for no apparent reason. And right now, it was just one of those cases. This time i was disturbed by a text message. Still sleepy, i opened the message, not bothering to check the sender. When i read the message, my eyes shot open, and the sleepiness was replaced by shock, fear, and confusion.

"" Hey babe.
    How are you doing??
    And how is the little one?
    Gosh i miss you guys so much.
    Well I guess you don't have to worry about that anymore.
   Because iam coming to get you both.
   Be prepared my love.""

WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL. Who had sent me this??. The sender was an unknown number. Who can this be??? Why did this person message me??? Is-is it E-Eric?? This isn't right. I mean he doesn't know where iam or where i stay. He doesn't even have my number. We had shifted places a while back, so now i live at a new location. Partly because of mom's office transfer and partly because of the hate i got from the old neighborhood. And i also discarded my old sim card and deleted my old accounts, And replaced it a 'new' everything. Kinda my way to start my life over. So how did he get my new number??     But what if its not Eric, and some random guy messaging a wrong number or something. Chances are...right??     Yeah...true that.

So i just blocked that number but saved the text to show Mimi later. Cuz you know, a best friend gotta know everything. 

I dont think i will be able to sleep with that nightmare of a message, which i hope was not meant for me. I finally woke up and went ahead to take a nice long shower to empty my head of all the current happenings. Cuz honestly, i did not have good feelings about this.

After the shower i went downstairs only to be greeted by the fragrance of bacon, eggs and some sweet waffles. Yaasss!!! 

"If you could stop sniffing like a dog, that would actually be very nice Brianna." My mom laughed at my childish, or more of a 'doggyish' behavior.

"But it smells sooooo good." I explained taking more of that heavenly scent. I can just bottle in up and use it as a perfume. Lol.

"Yes Yes...And if you behave like a civilized human being, you might actually get to eat some, you know." My mom smirked. I quickly put on my best behavior and sat on the table with a fork and a knife, ready to dig in, as my mom piled the buttery goodness on my plate.

Yummm...I almost moaned in food pleasure. It tasted so good. Now obviously, its weird to get all excited for some normal day to day food like that, but thats what makes pregnancy and non-pregnancy different you see.

When i was done eating, I saw my mom walking out of the kitchen in a hurry. So i decided to wash the dishes as my mom was getting late for her office. After doing the dishes i started making my way towards the living room, but was stopped when i heard my mom yelling at someone on the phone, but then her voice lowered down and she started saying something in a hushed tone. I couldn't hear clear, cuz i was standing far away. Well i hope her boss is not giving her a hard time.

Once she was done talking, I kissed my mom goodbye as she returned it. She walked out of the door but turned around the last minute.

"God mom. At least warn a girl. I could have banged the door your face. Be careful please." i half yelled as my mom just laughed at her silliness.

"Sorry honey. I just wanted to say that i might get a little late while coming back. So why dont you go out shopping." she suggested.

"Mom but i went shopping with Mimi just last week. I guess i have enough new outfits to pull out another month with them." 

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