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Hello guys,

SORRY, I couldn't update yesterday. It was weekend here where I live, so was a little caught up. But here is the new extra-long chapter. Hope you guys like it. If you do, leave me a comment and vote.  Thank you.

Love you all. Take care. Bye.   =)


Brianna's P.O.V

The entire night I kept twisting and turning, nervously waiting for a call from Oliver or a text from Chris.
The way things turned out yesterday, my head was about to explode.

Honestly, i do regret what I said yesterday about meeting Eric. I am really getting scared about the outcome now. What if he does something stupid...putting all of our lives in danger. But on the other hand, I do know that this is the only way out. So I have to do this before it's too late. 

And what can I say about Chris. I really didn't like the way things ended between me and him yesterday. I mean...i get it...but still, I would have paid a million dollars just to hear him say something. Anything to give me the strength that I want. Anything to let me know that he is gonna be with me through it all. Anything...just anything. It was very heartbreaking to see him like this. And now I realize how much his presence matters in my life. How much his words...or in this case, his silence, can make a difference. It's insane really. It seems like just yesterday I bumped him at the grocery store...and today I can't imagine my life without him. I think that's how friendships and relationships work. A once stranger becomes your reason to live. Isn't it crazy?

With these thoughts, i finally managed to doze off...making sure to check my phone one last time. But no luck.

Next morning I was awoken by my phone drilling holes in my head. I wanted to throw it out of the window. But the caller ID shot my eyes open.

Me:  Hello...?
Oliver:  Hi Brianna. How are you? How is my lil champ doing??
Me:  Yeah I am good. Baby is good too.  How are you?
Oliver:  I am fine. So what did you want to talk about? Is everything OK??
Me:  Yes. I need a favor from you.
Oliver:  Sure. Anything.
Me:  I want you to fix a meeting between me and Eric. Today.
Oliver:  WHAT!?!? WHY?
Me:  Yes. After everything he has done and is doing, I really want to end this once and for all. I am done playing games. I want to ask him what he wants and what will it take for him to stay out of my life.
Oliver:  Is everything OK? Did he do anything to hurt you??
Me:  Not me...but someone I...someone I love. And I can't sit here waiting for him to do anything worse. I need to ask him what is the reason behind him coming back. Do you know his current whereabouts?
Oliver:  Hmm...yeah I do.
Me:  Great. Just tell him to come to the park today...at around 4 pm. Don't let him know that I am the one who called him. Just try to get him there with some random excuse. I want him to come unprepared. Can you please do this for me?
Oliver:  ...Yeah...OK...i guess...
Me:  Hey Oliver?
Oliver:  ...Yeah?
Me:  I trust you. You can do this. OK?
Oliver:  Yeah OK...OK...dont worry. I will get it done.
Me:  OK. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Oliver:  You take care, Brianna. Bye.
Me:  You too. Bye.

Well, that was a satisfying talk...kind of. He seemed very doubtful about this whole thing. I wish he doesn't double cross me by informing Eric about me. I don't want Eric bringing his whole army. And what harm can I do him anyway? I am a freaking teen in her freaking last month. Well...Let's just see what happens. 

I then got up and went to check up on mom. Yesterday things didn't end well between us either. So I need to make up with her as well.

I made my way towards her room. I could hear the shower still running. I waited for her.

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