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Brianna's P.O.V

Ring ring...Ring ring...Ring ring...

Ughh...What the actual hell?? Who is calling me at this time? Probably some one who doesn't value their life a whole lot, cuz calling me early in the morning and disturbing me from my beauty sleep is a very daring and wrong thing do to i tell you. So lets just ignore it. I will deal with it when i finally wake up. 

Ring ring...Ring ring...Ring ring...Ring ring...

Oh god! You have to be kidding me. What on earth is wrong with the people now a days. Cant a girl sleep?? Lemme pick up the call. And if its Mimi, I swear to god, she soon will be in the pages of history.

"WHAT??" i yelled at Mimi for waking me up this early.

"Well good morning to you too sunshine." spoke the voice on the other side, which defiantly was not Mimi's.

"You are not Mimi." i said confusingly as i still was a little drowsy.

"Well your right about that i guess." Laughed the voice. Well i recognized the voice. And in the shock of realization i hit my head on the bed post.

"Ouch..." I groaned in pain.

"Hey are  you OK? What happened back there?"

"Iam fine. I just hit my head on the bed post." I said as i massaged the aching area of my head.

"Hahahahaha...Well be careful. Dont want to get you hurt now do we??"

"Chris? Why are you calling me so early?" I asked straight away. "Is everything OK??" i added a little concern.

"Well its 9 am, so not that early. And Iam fine Bri. Nothing happened. I just wanted to hear your voice. Thats all." he said with a smile. Now i cant see him, but i could just sense it.

"Wh-what??" I stuttered.

"I was kidding Bri. I mean not entirely. Lighten up. But i wanted to ask you something and wanted to hear your answer, so thats basically you voice, but whatever." he clumsily explained.

"Oh OK...what do you wanna ask me?"

"I wanted to ask...if you...ummm...you would go out with me??" He said with hesitation. WHAT?? Is he asking me out on- "I mean go out for breakfast. Actually there is this really amazing cafe that i discovered a few days back and wanted to try. I asked my cousin but he was busy soooo...I dint wanna go there alone and look like loner. So i thought about asking you. But its OK if your busy or don't wanna go. I completely understand." well...he always does this. He would offer something to me and then somehow belief that i would reject it and start blabbering. Classic Chris

"I don't mind going to that cafe with you Chris." I said calmly, while in my head i was shocked on my own self that i agreed to this so readily.

"I knew you would say this. Its OK i understand why you wouldn't wanna go with me. I totally get- Wait what?? You said you will go with me??" he asked surprised by my answer.

"Yes i will. Its just a breakfast. And a fancy breakfast never hurt no body." i said as i chuckled. I dint know that Chris thought that i would say no, like straight away no. Iam not that bad of a person. And if there is food involved...then iam all up for it. 

"Yeah true that. So i will pick you up at 10? Will that be fine for you?"

"Yes. Perfect." I said with a small smile.

"Alright. See you soon. Bye." 

"Sure. Bye."

I hung up the call and went for a quick shower. My outfit of the day was a black jumpsuit with colorful tribal print on it. The tribal print kept the eyes of the onlooker busy so it pulled of the attention from my bulge. And some black flats. And paired the whole look with a sun hat to keep away the sun. Of course. I applied my normal make up which consists of light foundation, eyeliner, and lip balm. I took with me a small purse and kept everything i used in it. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs.

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