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Hey there guys, Nabeeha here.

I would just like to thank you guys for supporting me and helping me out as this story has reached 500+ reads and 70+ votes. Its just amazing. Iam really glad that you all liked the book, considering that it is my first. And thats it. Keep showering your love over me. I hope you like this chapter, if you do then please vote, comment and share. 

Sorry for any mistakes.. =P .Bye, take care, and i love you all. =))


Brianna's P.O.V

I still cant believe that i was telling someone about my past, someone apart from my mom or Mimi. Some one i just met a few months ago. And it actually felt really good. I could feel the burden lift off of my chest which has been crushing me for as long as i can remember. It felt good to let it out every once in a while. I felt so light. And iam sure that iam crying by now. Even though this happened months ago, i still have the pain fresh in my heart. 

"Once i got to know about my pregnancy i tried calling him several times but there was no answer. And after waiting for another couple of days...i finally gave up. I lost all hopes of him ever returning back to me or our baby. I had the thought of killing the baby, cuz it constantly reminded me of the betrayal i received from some one that i loved. It was a living evidence of me being a dumb bitch and giving up everything that i ever dreamed of. I used to curse myself and my baby every night, until my mom consoled me. She also blamed herself for everything that had happened. She-"

"But why did she blame herself???" Chris interrupted me sounding incredibly confused.

"Yes...i was getting to it..." i lightly sniggered.

"Ooh...sorry...go on." he apologized sheepishly. I nodded and continued.

"I have never met my dad. I don't even know who he is or what he looks like. It has always been me and my mom. Thats it. I don't remember any guy being in our family picture. I used to ask my mom about him all the time when i was young, that time my mom used to simply give me some lame answer like 'he is in the office', 'he is out of town', 'he got up early and left for work', etc. etc. And me, being so naive and stupid, actually got convinced by it. But you know, we cant stay young forever until and unless we are peter pan..." i chuckled as to keep the atmosphere light. And gladly it worked as a smile broke out on Chris's face.

"...So i grew up and realized that something was fishy. And i really wanted to know where my dad was as i was getting desperate now. Not that i needed him or missed him, i mean i don't even know who he is...so missing him was impossible, but i just wanted to know about him and why all of my friends had their dad and i din't. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and iam proud to be her daughter. No one can love and support me like she ever did. She seriously never let me feel like a father-less child...ever. She brought me up being my mom and my dad. But curiosity just got the best of me. I knew that this topic was still sour for her, but one final day, i still asked her. Wrong move? I know...but i did deserve to be acknowledge with his whereabouts." Chris was listening so intensely which made wanna continue.

"Feeling defeated of lying to me again and again...she finally decided to speak up and let me into her past. By the look on her face I could tell that this was not going to be a happy story. She told me that just like Eric,  my dad left my mom when she got pregnant with me. No one knows why. They used to love each other a lot but when he got to know about the baby, just like Eric, he left my mum and ran away being a coward piece of shit." Chris winced at me calling my 'dad' that...well he did deserve it anyway. 

"So my mum blamed herself thinking that her fate has been passed on to me. That was not true. I mean, its not her fault that we suck in falling in love and choosing the right guy for us. It just happens. So i told her to stop beating herself about it. We did give our hearts to the one who dint deserve it, but that doesn't mean we keep blaming each other about it. I mean, all guys are assholes so it doesn't really matter..."

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