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Hey everyone, Nabeeha here.

How are all of you doing? I know, the cliffhanger killed you. But here you go the next chapter. Iam not very proud of this chapter. I think it lacks...something. I don't know what. But if you enjoy it then please vote, comment, share and follow.

Till then, bye. Tc. And love you all.   =)


Brianna's P.O.V

The air around me became thick. It was getting hard for me to breath. I couldn't process what was happening around me. Only those few words kept ringing in my head... "Chris is in the hospital." "Chris is in the hospital." I don't know what happened to him. I need to find out. I need to go to the hospital. 

So i quickly got up, grabbing my coat, phone and keys, and sprinted outside the house to my car. Only to be stopped by Mimi, which i forgot was even here,

"Are you sure you wanna go? In your....condition. Its not safe-"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Chris is in the hospital and you are asking me if i want to go or not? Does it look like i care about my health knowing that Chris is hurt??" I yelled at her, wiping my tears away. I know I should not have, but i was not in the right state of mind at this time. I just had to reach to the hospital. I just want to see him.

Mimi dint look taken aback by my outburst. It looked like she was kind of expecting it. She just let out a long sigh, 

"OK. We will go. But only on a few conditions," What?? She cant be serious right now..."I will drive," I readily nodded to that, the wait killing me, "...Next, if you feel any kind of pain or discomfort, you will let me know so that i can bring you back home...Deal?" I could sense the demanding-ness in her voice , so i nodded my head to that too, knowing what ever she is doing is to keep me safe. 

We piled up in my car as i gave her the address Beck had given me on the call. He sounded so...lost. As if he himself dint know what to do. The fear and despair was clear in his voice. I wanted to ask him, that what had caused Chris to be in the hospital, but i couldn't get myself to speak at that time. I was too shocked to react. And with the tremble in Beck's voice, i knew that he was not in a state to speak either. There was a pinching pain in my lower abdomen, but i ignored it as thoughts about Chris took over my mind. The thoughts were all negative and positive. My tears couldn't stop, as Mimi kept glancing at me and gently rubbing my hand as to comfort me. I know she was sad too, as she wiped her eyes again and again while driving.

I was too engrossed in thinking and crying to even realize that we had reached our destination. Mimi stopped her car in front of the hospital's main gate.

"OK. You get down here and go look for him. Iam going to go find a spot to park." Once again, i nodded and rushed out of the car. Mimi rolled down the window,

"Be careful. Please." I gave her a small sad smile as i walked towards the hospital gates. I reached the reception.

"Can you please tell me in which room Chris is??" I asked the receptionist. She looked in her early 20's. And the look on her face told that she probably hated her job.

"Can you give me the full name rather than a nick name." She said in a bored tone. My patience was running thin, and she being a bitch was not helping it either.

"Its Christopher...Iam not sure about the sir name. He was admitted a while ago. He is a teenager or early 20's." I said in a hurried style. It was kind of shocking when i realized that i dint know Chris's sir name. I mean after his parents death, did he change his sir name according to the guardians under whom he was or kept it the same?? I honestly don't know.

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