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Sorry for late update.

Here is the 24th chapter. So enjoy, vote, comment and share.

P.S- sorry for any mistakes. Bye. Take care. Love you all.  =)


Brianna's P.O.V

His voice sounded so unfamiliar, so lost. Kind of raspy and old. Just one word spoken from his mouth was enough to hold me still. My name sounded so weird coming from his mouth, as if it gave a whole new ring and meaning to my name. You know the moment when you cant feel anything. Well i was having that exact moment, but 100 times worst. I dint know what to do. My mind stopped working as it was depended on my heart to decide my next move, but my heart was devoid of any emotion. My entire body felt numb and useless. There was so much that i had to question him, so much anger, so much pain, but not a single word came out. All i wanted to do was run, run away from him, run away from myself and run away from the world. But something kept tugging on my heart, telling me to turn around and face him. Something which was trying to convince me to meet him. I guess that 'something' was the hopes that i had in me, for all this to work out.

Before i could decide on anything, I felt a hand making its way on my waist and the other cupping my face. I dint realize that my eyes were closed this entire time, until i had to force them open to see what was holding me. My teary eyes met with the beautiful blue once which belonged to the person who is my reason to meet James today. Yes i call 'my dad' by his name. Dunno what else i can call him. Chris's eyes looked deeper and duller than original, almost like i could see the pain in them. Was he able to feel my pain?? He then moved his hand towards my cheek and wiped the tears that had made their way there, with his thumb. He then bought both of his hands to cup my face as he weakly nodded at me. I dint need any words to understand what his nod meant. Now this is what i like...nope...loved about Chris, he knows when he has to speak and when to let the eyes do all the talking . And when to support me and when to be my support. He just knew what i needed and when. And right now, he knew that forcing me into this was not a good idea. So he encouraged me but also left space for me to decide. 

His eyes had so much determination, that once again i got convinced by them and turned around. His hand, once again, made its way to the small of my back, instantly filling my heart with warmness which was cold earlier. With him by my side, i felt a little confident. I slowly walked towards the table as Chris matched my pace. I saw James get closer to me for what seemed like a hug. I immediately stumbled back, bumping into Chris. He held me with ease as i straightened my posture once again. Sensing my recent movement, James took his cue to keep his hands and hug to himself. He then asked the waiter to get another chair for us and we all sat. James glanced at my bulge as a small smile made its way up to his face. WTF? He is not going to feel disgusted or get angry at me for being so young and pregnant?? Thats just insane.

We 3 sat there in perfect silence. With James looking at me and Chris most of the time and the rest while looking around. Mostly keeping his eyes down. Chris was seated right beside me. He was looking around as well, with glancing at me every now and then to check up on me. And i could see him playing with his fingers, because of nervousness i guess. And then you had me. I just kept my eyes stuck to the menu. And i swear, i read the whole thing 5 times now. Sensing the awkward aura of the table, Chris finally decided to break the silence. 

"Hello there Mr. James. I don't think we had a proper introduction. So iam Christopher. But you can call me Chris, everyone does." Chris plastered a smile on his and put his hand forward. His words reminded me of the time when i first met him in the grocery store. He told the same exact thing.

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