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Chris's P.O.V

I dropped Bri off at her place and now i was lying on my bed, when thoughts started making its way in my head. 

Wow...today's day was soo adventurous. So many events took place one after the other, that it was hard to keep check. So much happened that it was a lot to take in. It was a tiring day, but i dint mind it one bit. I got to know so much about Bri, that i was stunned. She reminds of the 'Wattpad' characters. Now of course, i don't do Wattpad, but my cousin forced me to read a story. In that, the protagonist was a young girl who shared the same qualities as Bri. She always has a smile on her face, but no one knew what was hidden behind it. She puts such a good act of being happy and cheery all the time just to conceal her real feelings. She just makes it so believable that its hard to point out.

The first time i met her...she reminded me so much of 'her' that it was shocking. But this is not about her, it is about 'Bri'. She is so strong and brave that it inspired me. I dint know that such a young girl could hold in so much inside of her. I mean, i wasn't a 80 years old grandpa or anything, but i know how it feels when the entire worlds is against you. I've been there quite a few times. It took me pretty long to get out of my trauma, but Bri did it in a few months. I was kinda ashamed of my self, but very proud of her. Being a guy, i should be able to get over it soon, but i guess we all know, who the stronger ones are in the gender are. Not being sexist or feminist

And let us all talk about the mighty dickhead, Eric. Gosh i hate that guy sooo freaking much. Whatever he did to Bri and 'her' baby was so inhumane. I mean how can some one just leave their wife or children for some selfish reason. Thats very low of him. If i ever get a chance of being a dad, i will cherish each moment of me being there and able to witness all of it. I will thank God for blessing me with such a gift. I wont even dare to to run away from them, let alone make them suffer. Eric is such a monster that he dint even think about the baby, who wasn't even born yet. That innocent pile of miracle deserves to have a father, but just as Bri said, having a dad like Eric, is worse than having no father at all, trust me. And not just that...the way he looked at Bri made me cringe. His eyes were so hungry and desperate as he eyed her down. I just felt like poking his eyes out. It made my blood boil. That little piece of useless shit. Maybe your just jealous... Jealous?? Of what? ...of Eric, you dumb ass... No, why would i be jealous of him. Bri doesn't even love him anymore.  ...so if she did love him, then you would have been jealous???... Wha??? Shut up brain. I don't want to listen to all your crap right now. I already have so much in my head, don't make it worse.

Taking in all of Bri's past was difficult, basically because i dint see it coming. I just thought that she was happy in her life and wished that i could have such a happy life too. But as they all say, ' Don't judge a book by its cover.' And i kinda did judge her at first, guiltily accepted. But its not entirely my fault. She is good at acting that it caught me off guard.

Iam still a little surprised on her telling 'me' about her past. I mean, really, ME?? Whom she just met few months ago. Maybe she just wanted to let go of a little weight she was holding. Makes sense right? Suffering through some kind of pain for so long...its about time it came out. And iam glad that it was me she shared it with. For a good while i dint speak up, even when she gave me a chance to. Maybe i was too bewildered to even talk. I dint expect this to happen. And also because i wanted to give all my attention to her words, not rudely interrupting even once. I mean i did interrupt once...or maybe twice...but that doesn't really count...right??

I could see the pain clear in her eyes as she spoke, which made me look at them even closer. I always thought that her eyes were brown, but it was more of a brownish green kinda shade. It gave me an earthy feeling. Her eyes so beautiful, almost matching the crystals because of the tears that had formed in them. To be honest, it hurt me to see her cry. I just wanted to take all of her pain and throw if far far away, but i don't think she will ever let me close enough to do that because of what Eric had did to her. I highly doubt she will ever trust anyone again. Fuck you Eric. She had a sad smile pasted on her soft pink lips, which quivered every once in a while. Her nose, all red and puffy from the crying she has been doing, stood out from her pale and flawless skin, looking beautiful as ever in the setting sun. Dude it looks like you can write a whole book on how beautiful she is. Yeah...true that.

She looked so vulnerable and so insecure. I know she still blames herself for not being enough for that jerk. Only if i could her about how gorgeous she is.

After she finished her entire history, she looked at me with patient eyes, which made me  realize, how relieved they were. By the look on her face, she expected me to say something, But i just couldn't gather my feelings to put them in words. So i said the most stupid thing in the world. 

'I should get you back home as its getting dark and you have been through a lot today so you should rest.' 

I mean what the hell is wrong with me??? A broken girl tells me about her past, and i tell her this...THIS??? Iam so dumb. God.... But thankfully i got enough time during the car ride to put my thoughts and words together. And once we reached our destination, i spoke my heart out. I just told her about how much I respect her as a human, and as a mother. I just went on and on, and with the smile on her face, i knew i made her happy. But then she again did something i was not ready for...at all. She just came forward and wrapped her arms around me. I was taken off guard a little at first, but came back on track and return the hug, gently, as to not hurt her or the little her, or him, inside of her. Too many hers. It was a small and sweet hug. Now i know, our first hug was at the hospital, when she allowed me to see her baby. But that was a very awkward hug, cause we dint know each other that well. But this was different. A much more calm hug, which I really enjoyed. She gave away the fragrance of summer and fruits. And please don't laugh at me on this, but the feeling of her bulge, against my torso...felt so...weird...but a good weird. I mean i did hug my sister when she was pregnant, but was just a side hug, unlike this one. The feeling of actually having a leaving being under there...was so...magical. Sorry if this thought made you uncomfortable...but i just wanted to put it out there. Cant help a crazy mind, now can we??

After pulling away, she had this amazing beam on her face, which made my heart warm. She seemed happy now. It felt to happy seeing her happy. And i, then, realized that all i ever wanna do is make her smile, cause that smile is worth millions. My heart was filled with over whelming feelings. I just had to ask her. Ask her what?? Something that has been on my mind for a very long time. But i was so scared of her reaction. 

She said her goodbyes and walked towards her door. I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth. After a couple failed attempts, i finally asked her.

"Brianna James, Will you out on a date with me?" 

I did it. I asked her. But she had a blank face with wide eyes, thats never a good sign. And then, just like always, i started blabbering about me being a douche, Which you are... And being bad at all of this, Which you are right about... And being sorry about, Which you should be...

But she again stopped my rambling by saying a yes...A YES. I couldn't believe that she would say yes to me. And then, Stupidity got the best of me and i hugged her. Well it wasn't as awkward as before, cuz she hugged me back now with a smile on her face.

I  got a date, with the girl that iam falling for every second now. I really hope i don't mess it up, because this is the only chance i have got. If i screw this up, She gonna hate you for sure...hahaha.

Shut up brain...


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