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Hey peeps...Whats up? Nabeeha here,

So this is the 29th chapter. I hope you guys like it. And if  you do, then dont forget to vote, comment, share and follow.

Bye. Take care. And i love u guys. =)


Brianna's P.O.V

It was 6 pm and i was relaxing in my sweatpants reading my favorite book. I dint really have much to do today, well i don't really have much to do everyday. I was very much comfortable with my situation right now, until i was rudely interrupted by loud banging at my lovely door. And it was ripped open by my amazing mom.

"Hello sweetie. Get up and get ready quickly. We have company tonight for dinner. So wear something presentable. Don't be late..."

And just like that the door was shut close.

Wait a second. What the hell just happened? Someone was coming in for dinner?? but we dint have guest over for about years now. Who is coming today? Meh...I guess its just mom's some colleague. And if this guest includes me leaving my comfort zone, this better be worth it.

I left my relaxing spot with a grunt and went ahead to take a quick shower. I dressed up in some dark blue denim skinny jeans and a cute pink flowy blouse and paired it with a white cardigan. I combed my brunette locks and left it hanging down naturally.  I applied few coats of mascara and a red lip balm. I was not overly dressed but not under dressed either. Well i don't know who was coming, so i couldn't care less. 

My mom yelled from downstairs for me to come down before the guests arrive. I hurried down. And just as i entered my living room, i heard the door bell ring. 

I dunno why i had a warm feeling inside of me as i heard the bell ring. I wonder who it is.

What if it is James?? What if my mom called him over for out next meet up??? I was not ready to face him again. And specially not in front of my mom. Oh God!! If it is James...then this dinner is NOT going to be fun...I tell you that!

Calm down Bri...Calm down.

My mom walked near the door and gestured me to join her. So i quickly went and stood beside her. 

She opened the door and all i could see was a huge bouquet of colorful roses. And a mop of brown hair behind the roses. So by the look of it, i knew it was a male. But who can this male be?? 

My mom greeted him and took the bouquet while giggling slightly. Wow. My mom giggled. Thats a first

As the bouquet moved, i came face to face with a similar pair of deep blue eyes, twinkling with joy and amusement.

My eyes widened and jaw dropped. As i stared at the person in front of me dressed in a classy button down shirt and fitting pants. Iam sooo under dressed.

"Hello there sunshine. How are you doing??" 

"Chris...??? What are you doing here?" 

"Well its nice to meet you to and thank you for inviting me inside. How very sweet of you." He replied with a smirk.

"Not the answer to my question Chris." I said with a bored expression, as Chris just chuckled at my reaction.

"OK OK. Sorry. Well your dearest mother invited me over for dinner today. Dint know that you dint know about it." He answered flashing me his pearly whites. How does he get his teeth so white?? What toothpaste does he use? Remind me to ask him about it later.

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