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Hey wattpad lovers, Its Nabeeha.

How are you all doing? Missed me??? =P

Well iam finally feeling better now, so decided to update. So here is chapter 30. Its not that great i guess, but never mind. I hope you guys like it. And if you do then please vote, comment, share and follow. Thats it for now...

Bye. Take care. Love you all.  =)


Brianna's P.O.V

Aahh...nothing more amazing than waking up in a warm comfy bed with the bright rays of sun peeping through your curtain. But wait a minute. There are no sun rays peeping through the curtain. Why is that? Is it still midnight?

I quickly picked up my phone from the side table to check the time. 

"Its 3 pm!!!" I exclaimed.

"What the actual hell??? How did i sleep in so late????" 

The memories from yesterday night washed over my brain, and i instantly blushed.

Now i know why i slept in so late. I was up till dawn yesterday. Must have been super tired i guess. But how did i end up in my bed? Meh...Probably Chris put me in. And it was kinda cold outside, so iam glad he did that.

But my eyes teared open and my jaw almost fell out when i looked under my blanket.

I was now in my night dress, some tee and sweatpants. I remember wearing some jeans and blouse when i fell asleep. Not this. Does it mean that Chris....

NO NO NO NO...no. This cant be happening. He dint see me naked did he?? Oh God nooooooooo. Please it not be Chris. Please. 

My head was hurting with the thoughts that were entering into it. So i decided to not think about it. 

I was about to get out of my bed when my stomach started to hurt. Now it was not unbearable kind of pain, but more like a muscle cramp kind of pain. I immediately lay back down, slightly rubbing my abdomen. And that's when i realized that i had the doctor's appointment today. Well that's a first. I never remember my sonography date, until today. Iam impressed, but this pain is not impressing me.

The pain in my stomach sort of raised so i quickly got up and went for a shower, so that i can get ready and leave as quick as possible. Don't want to miss the appointment.

After my shower, i rapidly got dressed. Just threw on some pants and shirt. Getting dressed up like that makes me think that my wardrobe is changing into a men's wardrobe. Not quite sure if iam happy with that, but never mind.

I was making my way towards the kitchen when suddenly something hit me. I mean not physically hit me, that would be awful. Something hit my mind. So no worries. 

All of these past months, Chris has been taking me to the hospital, well because i forget about the date. But now that i remember, I don't feel like calling him and asking him to take me. And there are a few reasons to that. First, I just feel as if iam putting a burden on him by asking him to take me and i don't like that. Second, he has already done too much for me, asking him for more is being selfish, not something that i sign up for. Third, he probably is as tired as iam cuz we both slept late. Forth, after noticing my clothes changed, which most probably he did, iam not...quite ready...to face him right...now. Fifth, i can ask mom or Mimi to drive me there or i can drive myself since i got my car back, finally, YAY.

So i decided that iam not going to call or message Chris about this whole thing.

I went down in the kitchen and saw my mom trying to knead some sort of dough.

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