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Brianna's P.O.V

The way Mimi and Beck were looking at each other seemed like they had a pretty long history together.

"How do u guys know each other?" Chris asked.

"Well, we have known each other for quite a while now. Just didn't know we were related to you both like that..." Beck answered. I didn't get it.

"Bri...he is the 'grocery guy'." Mimi covered her face and said...more like murmured.

"Oooooooh!!!!! He is the grocery guy! Oh my god!! That's insane??? So the guy you were dating was Beck all along...and we didn't even know!!!" I exclaimed. As if you can't tell. 

"Wait! Hold on. DATING???" Now it was Chris's turn to exclaim.

Beck didn't look him in the eye and just nodded.

"You were dating someone all this time and you didn't tell me? Why??" Oh wow. Chris looked really mad and hurt. And Beck was looking equally guilty. 

Well, I reacted the same way when I found out that Mimi was dating someone and she dint tell me about it straight away. So fair enough.

"It's not like that man. I wanted to tell you. But you know how things were past couple of months. There was a lot on your plate. So I didn't know how to slip in this info. and be cool about it. I was about to tell you, but Iam sorry you had to find it out like this, by someone else. I wanted to be the one to tell you. For real. Iam sorry Chris."

"No matter what happens family comes first, I thought you knew that?"

OK. Now that... was a line. Beck's expression made it look as if he wanted to be 10 feet under the ground right now. 

This whole conversation made me realize how close they actually are. I mean I was pissed at Mimi about it too. But it wasn't this intense. Sharing everything between each other really means a lot to them. And that warms my heart in some way. 

Then something hit me. 

"Oh! Now I realized something. Whenever we all used to hang out together one of you used to be always missing. Mimi with her mom's work. And Beck with his job. So we never saw you guys together until now. Explaining the shock we 4 are experiencing. This is just amazing." I laughed.

They looked at me like I had lost my freaking mind.


"Are you feeling OK Bri??" Mimi asked cautiously.

"Oh god yes! Iam feeling more than OK. My best friend and my brother. Iam feeling great. I can't believe this. This is perfect." I got up and hugged Mimi as tight as I could. 

"Bri stop acting as if we just announced our wedding date." Mimi managed to say between my bone-crushing hug. 

"Well, you never know." I winked at Beck. Who just chuckled. Chuckled??? Which means that maybe he is thinking about it.

"Stop embarrassing me Bri. And please lemme breath. I am dying." I laughed and let her go.

"So...Are we cool?" Beck carefully asked Chris. 

Chris looked up at him a bored expression. But then suddenly got up and hugged Beck with a big grin on his face.

"Of course we are cool. You finally found a girl who can tolerate you. I thought you might die alone. This is great." Chris laughed at him.

"Oh come on dude. Not in front of her at least. And by the way it's same for you too, you know." Beck smacked Chris's head.

"You guys are talking as if you have trouble getting girls. Have you looked in the mirror? You guys must be having the biggest female fan following ever. So please stop sympathizing yourself." Mimi said as she joined me on the bed, grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Yeah. I agree with her." 

"Ladies. We might have the looks, but we are not too good in the communication department. So we start as friends and unfortunately, it ends there. So we are pretty lucky we found girls like you." Beck sounded pretty honest right now. And that got confirmed by Chris's nodding. 

"Anyway. This calls for a party. So where do you suggest we should go?" I asked excitedly, ready to celebrate this awesome discovery.

"We are NOT going anywhere. We can celebrate here." Chris said almost immediately. Well someone took Sam's advice way too seriously. But by the look he was giving me, I knew I had lost this argument so I didn't even bother counterarguing.

"Guys maybe we can celebrate tomorrow. I really need to get back home now." Mimi said as she picked up her phone and finished her slice.

"Yeah OK. Sure. You go. I will talk to you tomorrow." I hugged her goodbye.

"I will come along." Mimi wanted to resist but gave up. And she and Beck left the room.


"WOW!! I still am not able to believe it. Mimi and Beck. Actually together. Like a proper couple." Chris breathed out. And slumped on my bed. 

"I know right. Who would have thought? I knew she was seeing someone but never would have guessed that 'someone' being Beck. That is just insane. What a small world we live in." I lie down beside him.

"Yup I know."

"But hey, if Beck hurts Mimi in any way I will break his legs and hand it to him. And then kick his ass. And would do the same to Mimi, if she hurts Beck..." I said while looking at my ceiling.

"Yeah. And I would totally help you..." I nodded.

"...In the first one though. Not the second one..." I looked at him.

"...I can't hurt a girl..." I laughed and nodded again.

"But I am very happy for them. Mimi really seemed into him when I talked to her earlier. She might be serious about him you know."

"Yeah. I could see that from her face. And I haven't seen Beck so happy either. I mean from the past couple of weeks he seemed pretty happy and chill. But I thought he was having some crazy mood swings. So I didn't care as much. I was just glad he was happy. But now I know why. I am glad they found each other." Our voices were close to a whisper now. That's how tired and sleepy we felt.

"But hey. Do you realize that they met at the same day, time and place that we met?" I asked him with a grin.

"Oh yeaaah!! Now I realized. We all met each other at the same time. That's so cool and insane. It's coo-sane. Or ins-ool." He looked at me, full confused. I just laughed at him.

I guess the pizza had some kind of drug in it, cuz we felt high aF. Or maybe we were just so tired with our lives. Whichever one it was. I didn't mind. Cuz I feel light as a feather right now. And all I can do is laugh. And Chris seems more confused than happy. Which makes me laugh even more.

All of our laughter came shattering down when my mom entered my room.

"Bri. Have you talked to James any time today?" She looked really worried.

"No mom. I have not. Why what's the matter? All OK?" 

"I don't' know where he is. I am calling him since this afternoon. But he just won't pick up."

"Jenny iam sure his battery would have died. He will call you back soon. Don't worry."

But there was something in her eyes which was giving me a weird and scary feeling. This is definitely bigger than James not picking up her calls.

"Mom? Is there something else?" I asked, making sure to keep my calm.

"I...I think he went..." She stopped and started crying full on now.

"Went where mom?" 

"...I think he went to surrender himself to the West Lords...so he can get you out of this mess..." 

No way...!!!


Hey guys...Nabeeha here.

Sorry for the short chapter, but stay tuned. There is a lot more to come.
Hope you like this one.    =)

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