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Brianna's P.O.V

"Look at what we have here..." He laughed. His laugh was like hot lava to ears. I forgot how much I hated his voice.

Oliver didn't look amused either.

"Hey buddy, you didn't tell me that you were bringing me here to meet her. What a pleasant surprise." Eric said delightedly. As if he was waiting for this moment from so long. But Oliver kept quiet.

"So Brianna, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Just hearing his snark tone, made me forget all of my nervousness. The fire I was feeling in my chest right now, brought a whole new wave of confidence and courage in me.

"I am here to talk. And to end this once and for all."

"Ohoo wow. Really now?" I just glowered at him.

"Ahaan. So you really are here to talk things through? In 'this' condition? Man gotta give it to you. You are one strong and stubborn bitch." My blood was boiling inside of me.

"Ok. So what do you want to talk about? I am all ears..." He gave a teasing smile. I can't believe this smile used to make me swoon once.

"What do you want from me and my baby? Why can't you leave us alone? You were the one who left me and ran away like a coward, then why the fuck did you come back? ...And don't you dare play around by giving me some shitty sarcastic reply. Answer my questions straight to the point. I don't have time to waste." 

"Oh. You wanna know everything haan?" I gave a nod.

"OK. Where do I begin? Let's start from why I dumped your sorry little ass. Hmm...lemme think...why did I leave you?? Hmm...Oh yeah, that's easy...I was bored of you and wanted someone new and better..." I could see that Oliver was trying very hard to stop himself from punching Eric in the face because his fists were visibly clenching.

"After I left you, I was roaming around like a free bird. I flee to the south side for a bit of vacation time. Because your face had literally made me sick and I wanted some change. You know, hot chicks in Bikinis? Yeah...that kind of a change. Until my dad started going crazy on my ass saying that I need to come back immediately. It pissed me off quite a bit, but I went back anyway. Turns out a douchebag from my dad's gang had run away and the boss wanted everyone to look for him." My eyes widened with realization. And Eric noticed that.

"Yeah. So self-obsessed bitch. You never even asked me about my family or what they did for a living. You were so busy living you perfect little fairytale life that you didn't even notice how broken I was. How broken my family was. Ever since I was young, I would always hear my mom dad yelling at each other. Screaming, fighting, arguing like crazy people. It used to scare the shit out of me. It was later when I grew up that I realized what was going on. My dad was a part of a gang and my mom hated it. The only thing that was keeping their marriage together was the deal mom made with my dad, that he will never pull me into this. And he did love my mom, so he agreed..."    The way Oliver was listening to him, it seemed like it was the first time he was hearing this too.

"...But after that 1 asshole who left, my dad's boss had lost his shit. And he had made my dad's life a living hell. My dad used to stay out late, searching for him. He used to travel towns and cities. Looking for that jerk, but he couldn't find him. And my dad's boss had become obsessed with finding him. No one knows why the boss was so hungrily looking for this man, but they all prayed for that guy because they knew if the boss did find him, he would kill him instantly. There are two things boss hates the most, betrayal and lies. And there is only 1 punishment for that, death..."     I was getting an idea to where this story was going, but I didn't make any conclusions yet.

"...After my dad failed in finding that guy's location, boss became so angry that he threatened to kill my dad if he didn't find him in the next few hours. Obviously, my dad couldn't do it, so boss set up a bargain. That he would spare his life if he managed to get his son to join the gang. Who was that son? ME. So with a lot of arguments and fights, I finally decided to join the gang. My dad was not the best father figure I had but he was my dad after all. I just couldn't let him die because of someone else's fuckery..."

"...Life had become shit after that. I know I was a jock at the school, so I was into fighting and all but I never liked causing danger to anyone's life. And that is exactly I had to do now. Hurting people, fighting, shooting, stealing, dealing...the only thing left is killing. Which I might have to do sooner or later. My life was ruined. All my plans for the future...college graduation, dream job, my own house, everything went down to hell. Only because of that 1 asshole who dint had the balls to stay back..."

"...You were never even a part of this. I had almost forgotten about you. But one day I was called by my boss's assistant because at that time my boss got caught and was put in for life imprisonment. But anyway, the assistant showed me your picture and asked me if I knew you. I am not going to lie, I was shocked and I wanted to say no. But my dad always told me to never lie to the boss or his people. So I said yes. You were my ex. What he said next blew up my mind. He said that you were carrying my baby. I didn't believe him. I obviously thought he was lying. But then he took me to a mall, where I saw you with your crazy friend. And you had a bump. Then I made the calculations and turns out you were having my baby. I didn't know how to react really. After everything that was happening around me, I had kind of turned numb when it came to my feelings. So I asked him what does he mean by all this? And he said that this was my next task..."

"What did he mean by that?"

"...He meant that my next task to get you and your baby to him as soon as possible. He said he had something special planned for you two. He said if I bring you and your baby to him, he would let me go. Forever free. Meaning I can go back to living my life peacefully. Fulfilling my dreams and goals. Getting freedom..."

"And you agreed...?"

"Of course I did. Do you know what it's like living with people like them? Everyone knew i was new so they all make sure to treat me like shit. You don't even know what all I had to go through these past couple of months. It has been a fucking nightmare. And you think that I am gonna let such a golden opportunity go? "

"But...but...what he decides to hurt or worse kill me and my baby? How can you let that happen? How can you do this to me? My baby? Your baby??? Don't you have a heart?" I was crying at this point.

"That is none of my problems. And don't you get it? People suffer from other people's mistakes. I suffered because of that runaway bastard. And now it's your turn. It's only fair. And I have nothing to do with this baby. You were just an easy fuck to me...Nothing more...Nothing less. And I already told you. I have become numb. So stuff like this doesn't really matter to me anymore. I need my freedom, and for that, i can do anything. ANYTHING." 

With that said, he turned around and started leaving...Not before saying one last thing...

"If I were you, I would start running..." He laughed and walked away, Oliver right behind him.

My eyes were too blurry to see Oliver's expressions. 

I don't believe this is actually happening right now. How can Eric be this heartless? How can he put a baby's life in danger who is not even born yet? But the story makes sense. The runaway bastard because of whom this whole thing began...I know who it was...It was JAMES.


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