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Brianna's P.O.V

For everyone who says that your past doesn't matter...they are all wrong. Cuz right now I am a living example of the fact that the past does matter. It does make a difference. It does make your present and future change.

It took me a while to register what Eric had told me. He was in the West Lords because of his dad. He never wanted to be a part of this. He was forced into it. And why? Because of my dad. But does he know that...?

"Wow...that was a mouthful." Beck breathed out behind me. 

I turned around. All three of them masked the same expression. Shock. 

"Yeah. I know. I didn't expect that long of a back story." Chris replied.

But the only guy from whom I wanted to hear something was standing there with his mouth shut, eyes to the ground. But Beck and Chris kept their conversation.

"But I think the best part here is that he doesn't know that James is the guy who ran away, and Brianna is his daughter." 

"How thick-headed is he? Couldn't he solve the obvious equation?"

"I know right. But maybe we can use this to our advantage. Make a sneaky get away or something. What do you guys think...?"

"...Yeah...I think that's a nice idea. Right peeps?" 

I could see Beck and Chris desperately trying to get me and James to speak. But all I could think about right now is the screaming pain in my lower abdomen. And the last thing I remember was holding my stomach and falling to the floor.


Chris's P.O.V

After what all we heard, I am pretty sure Brianna was not happy about it. It took her so long to finally get herself to accept her father's return, but now? Knowing that what all is happening with her is because of him. I can't imagine what she must be going through right now. 

So as soon as Eric's car drove away, we came out from behind the wall and made our way towards Bri, who hasn't moved a millimeter since Eric left. This was not good.

Her expression was a mixture of so many emotions. It was very hard to determine what she was feeling right now. She seemed lifeless. And so did James. They both were not even looking at each other, or us. They both kind of just...zoned out.

Beck gave me look, which means "desperate need of help". We both then started a conversation.

"Wow...that was a mouthful." Beck said.

"Yeah. I know. I didn't expect that long of a back story." I commented.

"But I think the best part here is that he doesn't know that James is the guy who ran away, and Brianna is his daughter."

"How thick-headed is he? Couldn't he solve the obvious equation?" Beck looked at both of them to see if there were any changes in their expression. But none.

"I know right. But maybe we can use this to our advantage. Make a sneaky get away or something. What do you guys think...?"

"...Yeah...I think that's a nice idea. Right peeps?" Beck tried one last time. 

But thankfully this time there was a change in Bri's expression. At last...But wait. She looks like she is in pain. 

Her hand reached out to hold her belly. Something is definitely wrong. And then she collapsed on the floor.

"Oh my god Brianna! Are you OK?" James reaction similar to ours.

"Bri! Bri!! Whats wrong??" Beck asked. She was unconscious now.

Not being able to wait any longer, I picked up Bri in my arms and ran towards my car, Beck and James tagging along.

I gently lay her down in the back seat where James held her head up, and I and Beck got in the front seats. 

I don't remember the last time I drove my car at such a high speed. But right now nothing mattered more than getting Bri to the hospital. 

Just the thought of something happening to her was making my heart beat faster. If something happens to her, I swear to God I won't spare that asshole. I will send him to his grave no matter what happens to me after that.

I looked behind. Her eyes were still closed and even in this chilly weather, she was covered in sweat. Her face was getting paler by the second. I need to hurry. 

I never noticed how far the hospital was from her home. I guess whenever we drove there, we were always talking, laughing, having fun. Maybe that's why I never paid attention to the time.

After what seemed like ages, we finally reached the hospital.

"Hey Chris, you take her straight to the emergency room. I will park the car and come meet you there. OK?" 

I gave a quick nod and rushed out of the car. James had already gotten a wheel chair. We carefully lifted Bri and made her sit in the wheel chair. I pushed her towards the gate, with James running in front of me.

"Hello. My daughter...she...she fainted. Don't know why. Please help her." The nurse looked at Bri and asked us to follow her. She took us to a room. She told us to carefully lift her and place her on the bed. After that, she ran to call the doctor.

I could see James eyes all wet and swollen. I guess he cried the whole way here. I can't imagine his guilt right now. All he wanted was to have his family back. But now...everything had fallen apart. 

I hold him by the shoulder and gave a little squeeze.

"She is going to be OK. And so is your grandchild. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." I don't think he even heard me right now. Which is fine, cuz even I don't know if I believe what I said.

The door flies open and a doctor comes in, followed by Dr.Samantha. Suddenly my heart lights with hope.

"Dr.Sam...she just fainted. I...I don't..."

"I need you all to step outside and wait. Please. NOW." The other doctor yelled.

Beck pushed us out of the room and took us to a waiting room nearby. 

"This is all my fault. I should have never run away. I should have stayed in the gang. Brianna would still be happy and at peace, if it weren't for me. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve Jenny. I shouldn't have come back in their lives. I should have just stayed away." James was sitting in the chair, holding his head in his hands, crying worst than ever.

I sat down beside him, trying to calm him down as much as I can.

"Hey hey hey...This is not your fault. Your life was hell there and you wanted to run away. You wanted to keep everyone safe and you did. Jenny and Brianna are still alive and happy, aren't they? And you are the reason behind it. You leaving, kept them out of so much trouble. You saved their lives, James. So don't blame yourself. You saved your family once, you can do again. And we are with you. We won't let anything happen to Bri, or Jenny, or her baby. We will figure this out together. OK??" He gave me a weak nod.

I looked over at Beck who gave me a proud smile.

And now we all wait. Wait for Bri to be OK. Wait for things to get better. 

The situation we are in right now somehow reminds of my mom, when she was pregnant with princess. Even though I was just 5, I still remember the look on my dad's face, aunt and uncle's face. And we were mirroring exactly that right now. No matter how much I try to push that thought away, I just can't. I just keep relating this situation to that one. And it was just making me more and more anxious. I just want Bri to be OK. I just her to be OK. Just, please...

"Doctor...Is Brianna OK????" I heard James ask. 

With that, my heart was in my mouth.


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