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"Yang, you're in the way," Hyunjin's voice called out right behind me, making me turn back, suddenly face to face with Hyunjin, even though he was a step lower than I was. "Can't you see we're busy here?" Jeongin asked irritated, making sure to hold onto my waist tightly as Hyunjin's hands made their way to my shoulders. "Can't you see it's freezing because of that damned door? Either close it yourself or make room so I can close it." Jeongin scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Clearly you've never been sad over someone's death before." He spat out. "And clearly you've never experienced the cold. Now move." Hyunjin insisted. "Like that's what this is about," Jeongin muttered under his breath, looking down at Hyunjin with a glare.

"What?" Hyunjin scoffed. "A person can't just be cold anymore?" he asked, his eyes never leaving Jeongin's glare. "I just find it weird that in all this time I've been there I didn't hear a single word, but as soon as someone else is up here, oh so suddenly you're cold." Hyunjin hummed. "I wasn't before, and I am now, it's as simple as that. Now get out of my way, I'm sure you have things to do," Hyunjin demanded, trying to reach out to forcibly make his way in-between us. "We were just going down for dinner. You should eat too," I said, not in the mood to mediate whatever fight would happen, but wanting to be in the middle of it even less. I managed to make my way out of the both their grips, slipping past Jeongin to close the door.

It wasn't hard to see that wasn't the real reason by far, but it would give for an opening for them to at least act civil. "There you go, let's all get dinner. I'm sure we can split whatever Changbin is making. I'm not that hungry anyways" I stated, making sure the door was fully closed as I looked down at them. "I'm not hungry either," Hyunjin sighed, giving Jeongin one last eyeroll, before walking back down without another word. "Come on, we should go too," I urged Jeongin, not wanting the tension to rise even further. With a deep breath, Jeongin regained his posture, smiling back at me. "Yeah, let's get us some dinner. You have to eat well," he chuckled, following Hyunjin's steps as he went down too.

"There you are," Changbin said, he too trying to regain his posture with now both Chan and Hyunjin in there. Whatever had just been going downstairs couldn't have been much better than up there apparently. "Dinner should be ready in a minute or ten. Why don't you go wash up first?" he asked with a tender hint in his voice ignoring Chan and Hyunjin who were now both on the couch, now eating two pizzas that must have just been heated up while I was upstairs. "We made you one too if you'd like," Chan offered me with a smile, but Changbin was quick to cut him off. "Don't worry about her, I'm making her something that's actually good for your body," Changbin said, already handing me a plate.

Though I gave the both a smile, I put my plate down again, making my way into the nearest room I saw, in this case the one Chan and Hyunjin had been using, locking it behind me as I let myself fall down on the bed. "I can't deal with this," I groaned, holding onto my head. I knew the mood was bad, but this was getting too much. My stomach rumbled, but I couldn't be bothered to go back there again. They could figure it all out for themselves, I wasn't going to be in the middle of whatever vendetta they had going on. My head was already a mess, hurting like crazy, and they definitely weren't making it any better.

I curled up, pulling the blankets over my body, closing my eyes as I tried to shut out the arguing going on in the room besides me. I couldn't do this anymore. How could they still argue like we hadn't just lost two more of our own? I could understand everyone was having a hard time, and everyone dealt with it differently, I knew that all too well, but I couldn't handle it right now. Everything started to feel a little too close to home. The fighting, putting me in the middle again, the shouting, the deaths, the torture, who knew what would happen further. I had finally gotten away from it all, thinking I finally found those who could help me get rid of all of that, so why did it feel like I was right back to the place I was trying to escape from so desperately?

Maybe it was a good thing I'd learned to block out noises. I had to at home, if I wanted to remain at least somewhat sane. It wasn't always great, since it also meant not being able to hear any possible threats, but most of the time it was better than listening to the words spoken there. I started humming a melody, the one my mother used to hum for me when I was upset. I think that was one of the little good memories I had of that place. I'd almost forgotten it at times, but for some reason it always came back to me when I seemed to need it the most. Maybe she couldn't save us both, but she tried everything to give me a better life. I couldn't give up now.

I had to save myself, for her sake.

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