chapter 1

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"This fucking... thing."

Liv looked at her boyfriend as he was struggling with the joint he was trying to roll for the both of them. It was the third one of the night; something that wasn't necessarily unusual for them. Smoking weed was something Liv and her boyfriend spent most of the time doing when they were together. They never really hung out at each other's houses; they couldn't really.


"Daniel," Liv said calmly to try and calm her boyfriend down, holding her hand up so he could hand the joint to her.

Her boyfriend yelling wasn't something Liv ever jumped at anymore; he was snappy, that's something she just had to get used to when she started dating him. She knew that if no one told him off right away whenever he started getting frustrated, he'd be yelling at everyone and everything all the time.

"You fucking do it," Daniel said as he frustratedly ran his hand through his blonde, slicked back hair before he laid the joint in Liv's hand.

Liv just nodded and licked her fingers before trying to do whatever Daniel was struggling to. She had to admit she was struggling a little too, as she was quite far gone with the amount of weed in her system, but she eventually managed to roll a perfect joint, handing it over to Daniel again.

She grinned when she heard him sigh, and she watched him search for his lighter in his pockets.

"Nothing funny about it," he told her, a little snappy, but at least he was talking on a normal volume. "It's the fucking cold making my hands go numb."

Liv just hummed to give him the satisfaction and hid her hands in the sleeves of her beige coat when she realised how cold her hands actually were. She could feel her phone sitting in her pocket, which was useless at the moment as it died an hour ago.

Since Daniel's phone died too, neither of them was able to tell the time. She knew it was later than ten, though, since it was just before ten when she last checked her phone. It was getting colder with the minute; it was February, so it wouldn't be warm anytime soon.

"Next time we should wait until your parents are gone and hang out at yours," Liv said, blowing into the air to see smoke coming from her mouth, even though she hadn't taken a hit of the newly rolled joint yet.

"If they come back and see you, I'm dead," Daniel told her bluntly, giving her the joint after his third hit.

She had tried to convince him to just hang out inside for a while now. She started daitng Daniel in August, when it was still warm and it wasn't dark so early at night so sitting outside together wasn't an issue. But the past weeks she couldn't even tell if she actually enjoyed hanging out like that anymore.

"Plus, we can't smoke inside. So what the fuck are we actually gonna do there?"

Liv didn't respond, a little annoyed at the fact that all he seemed to ever think about was smoking weed. She did it just as much, but sometimes she wished it wasn't the only thing they did together.

She didn't let it stop her from hanging out with him, though. She'd rather smoke every day against her will than be lonely forever. Daniel was the only one she really had, and he was the only one in school who cared about her.

He refused to talk to her in public, but she had just learned to accept that. With a reputation like hers, after what her dad had done, she knew she just had to consider herself lucky with any kind of love or attention she could get. She wasn't going to get much more.

Her dad had been in jail now for over three years and she didn't associate with him in any way, but people still somehow saw her as a horrible person too. He had ruined everything for her.

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