chapter 4

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She had fallen asleep with the note in her hand, after crying herself to sleep reading it over and over again.

It's not that she wanted his help and regretted telling him no, but she just needed those words. She just wished those words came from someone she loved, and not a police officer she didn't know.

When she woke up just three hours after falling asleep, Liv felt weirdly numb. It was probably because she cried so much the night before, she didn't have anything left in her.

All she felt, was hunger and thirst and she didn't have anything left; on top of the dinner her mum gave her, she also ate all the snacks she had in her other bag.

With the only money she had in her pocket, she gathered her stuff and left the shed. Her phone was dead, but the old church at the end of the road told her it was just before eleven in the morning, which meant all her classmates would be at school.

As she made her way to the store, walking fast as anxiety took over her body more and more, she noticed some dirty looks from people. She couldn't tell if it was just her anxiety convincing her everyone was looking at her, or if it was the way she looked. She probably looked a mess.

Or maybe she just got the same dirty looks as aways; because people knew her last name.

Struggling with her two bags, she made her way through the tiny store and got herself something small for breakfast. It was a pack of biscuits that reminded her of her mum, because she always used to buy them for her.

As she walked out of the store, she tried to open the package, while she tried to keep her bags on her shoulders at the same time, as they were slipping every few seconds. She was so focused on it all, she didn't notice the people who were walking in front of her until she bumped into them.

"Oh, Harrison," she heard a guy's voice say before she could even look up to see who it was. She didn't recognise the voice right away, but when she looked at the guy in front of her, she saw it was one of her classmates, Hugo.

Next to him was a boy she didn't know. She couldn't tell if she had seem him before, but apparently he knew her, though.

"We heard you're a druggie too now, like your dad," the boy said, leaving Liv confused for a second as she was trying to figure out who he was and where he heard those things.

She guessed it was yet another thing people said to her just to wind her up, so she just decided to ignore it. She pulled the strap of one of her bags back on her shoulder to walk past the guys, but Hugo pulled her back.

"You definitely look like a fucking druggie," he said, scanning his eyes over her entire body with a disgusted look on his face. "What is your next step? Rob someone? Kill someone? Should I be scared?"

Both boys laughed, and the laughter got even louder when Hugo smacked Liv's breakfast out of her hands. She had just managed to open the package, so she saw how all the biscuits flew over the pavement. Her heart dropped as she looked at it, knowing she had no money left for any more food.

"Telling the police that the drugs came from Daniel is bold, though," Hugo said, the amused look vanishing completely, making place for a frown. "Fucking liar."

Liv raised her eyebrow in confusion. Daniel had never even talked about her to his friends before, so she was confused he suddenly had. And she didn't even know what exactly he told them, but she could immediately tell he lied to them to make her look bad.

"What did he say?" she asked Hugo, trying not to tear up in front of him. She felt betrayed by the only person she still trusted. Even after what he did to her yesterday, she still trusted him. He broke that trust.

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