chapter 19

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After an hour of sleeping in the lounge room, someone had woken Harry and Liv up and sent them home as Harry had finished his shift ages ago and he wasn't allowed to just linger around.

Harry had taken Liv to his house and had cooked dinner for her like he had promised her to, and she had spent another night at his house, falling asleep with his arm around her for the second time that day.

The next morning was different than the last one, though. Not just Harry was getting ready to go to the police station, but so was Liv. And this time she wouldn't be there just so she could sit on the couch and look at him all day: Harry wanted her there for an early meeting, to talk about something he was planning to do to prove Daniel's guilt.

Liv had tried to ask him what his plan was but he refused to tell her before speaking about it to one of his colleagues. He was surprisingly responsible all of a sudden when it came to the case, especially after almost ruining it all by hitting Daniel in the face the day before.

His knuckles were bruised from it, and Liv could tell it hurt a little by the way Harry flinched and breathed in sharply when he tried to put his rings on for the day.

"How long will the meeting be?" Liv asked him, watching him fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror while she was sitting on the edge of the bath. It was funny how long Harry took to get ready in the morning comparing to Liv; while it took him at least half an hour to do his hair and make sure he looked neat enough in his suit, Liv just simply put on her black cargo pants and a oversized white t shirt.

The question she just asked was probably the tenth question she had asked him this morning. She was just nervous, not knowing what to expect because he barely told her anything.

Harry didn't seem to mind the questions, though. And just like with the other questions, he looked at her through the mirror and smiled a little as he spoke.

"Could be ten minutes, could be all day."

All his answers had been vague like this. Liv let out a frustrated sigh, playing with her ring. "Do you not have more important cases as a detective? You must do stuff like murder cases, right?"

Harry shrugged and turned around to walk over to her. He very gently held her jaw and moved her head up with his pointer finger under her chin so she looked at him, before he said "You're priority right now."

He leaned in and placed his lips on hers just as gently as his touch. It had been a while since they kissed; the last time Liv remembered his lips on hers was the morning before. So his sudden kiss caught her off guard a little, but she immediately kissed him back, smiling.

As soon as he felt her lips more forcefully on his, he kissed her back a little harder than before too. The kiss didn't get heated though; after a few seconds, Harry gave her a few more tiny kisses in a row before he pulled away.

"Ready to go?" he asked, brushing his hand through his hair that had fallen in front of his face even though he had just styled it.

Liv nodded and she followed him out of the bathroom, keeping her remaining questions to herself as Harry drove them to the police station.

He was humming along to the radio the entire ride, just in his own little zone as if she wasn't there. She didn't mind though, she wasn't really a morning person so she liked not having to talk that much. On top of that, her mind was too busy to have a proper conversation with him about anything else.

Harry drove carefully, making Liv wonder if it was on purpose after she almost got out of his car the day before.

They weren't the first ones to arrive, which wasn't surprising as it was a little past nine. There was still enough space for Harry to park his car though, which he did right in front of the building, on what seemed to be his usual parking spot.

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