chapter 32

129 7 2

TW // drug abuse and vomiting


The more Liv thought about it, the more she regretted ever kissing Matt. She regretted it so much, she started feeling gross every time she thought about it.

To try and get rid of the feeling, she ran herself a bath. Her mum wasn't home for the night; she was out on a date, which gave Liv some time to try and relax as she washed the disgusting feeling off her body.

She was only left in her underwear, ready to step into the hot water, when the doorbell rang. Liv jumped at the sound, and groaned in annoyance because she had been so excited to get some time to herself as her mum barely left the house; it was the one habit she had kept from the depression she got after Liv's dad got arrested.

Liv stood frozen in the bathroom for a moment, but decided to just ignore the doorbell and continue what she was doing.

That was her initial plan, at least. But just ten seconds later, the doorbell rang a second time.

And a third time.

And it was a very familiar voice softly calling out her name that caused her to freeze again.

It was Harry.

It was almost ten at night and Harry was stood in front of her house, just when Liv thought she had been clear enough about wanting some space and some time to think.

Groaning again, Liv quickly put on the hoodie that she had just thrown on the floor, and she grabbed a pair of sweatpants that she clumsily put on as she made her way down the stairs.

She quickly searched for the key to open the door, but once she finally found it, she took a moment to take a deep breath in before actually opening it and facing Harry.

Once she opened the door, she decided to just start talking without looking at him first, so he couldn't manipulate her with his sad, maybe even pleading eyes.

That way she'd be able to send him away in no time and she could continue getting ready for her bath, to have the relaxing night she so desperately needed.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough earlier, but I don't want to talk-"

While talking, her eyes automatically moved up Harry's body, and when they finally landed on his face, she immediately cut herself off mid-sentence, her mouth falling open in shock.

"What the fuck happened to you?!"

Harry had bruises and cuts all over his face, blood still dripping down on his white t shirt that was partly ripped. His left eye was badly bruised; almost making it impossible for him to look through it. His nose was bleeding and his bottom lip was swollen, a deep cut on it that looked incredibly painful.

All Harry did while Liv stared at him in shock, was smile faintly. It was a dozy smile that she had never seen on him before, and something about it made her feel sick.

Something was terribly wrong with him.

"You're wearing my hoodie," he muttered absently, slurring his words a little.

Liv's first reaction was to look down at the hoodie to see if she actually was wearing his, but when Harry chuckled and swayed a little on his feet as he tried to wipe the blood off his face, she frowned deeply.

"Are you drunk?"

"I don't- I don't know," Harry slurred out, still smiling sheepishly. The cuts and bruises on his face didn't seem to phase him at all. He didn't even flinch when he smiled, although Liv could tell it should hurt the cut on his lip. Instead, Harry just raised one of his hands and showed her his car keys he was holding.

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