chapter 21

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Everything was hurting.

It was the very first thing shooting through Liv's mind when she felt herself waking up in an unknown room and unknown bed, unable to remember how she ever got there.

It was impossible to open her eyes straight away, as if they were sealed shut. But she knew it wasn't her room by the way the bed was slightly uncomfortable and she wasn't laying on the big, comfy pillow she was used to. And it wasn't Harry's room because that room always had this fresh, clean smell mixed with cologne that she didn't smell right now.

She was terrified. All she could hear was beeping coming from behind her, a steady rhythm, but other than that the room was completely silent.

She felt how her heart started beating a little faster with every second that passed, as she tried hard to open her eyes and remember how she even got there.

Somehow, the pain immediately got worse the second she managed to open her eyes, as if her body finally fully woke up. And as Liv whimpered in pain, breathing heavily because her chest hurt and she couldn't properly get enough air in her lungs, she looked around the room.

She saw how the back of her hand had an IV attached to it with a wire that was connected to the complicated machine behind her. There were some wires coming from under her t shirt, stuck to her chest with some plasters.

As she tried to turn her head to properly look around the boring white room, she immediately felt a shooting pain in her throat, almost unbearable. Liv immediately froze and felt her eyes water from the pain.

That pain on her throat made her realise what happened.

She slowly remembered every single detail; from giving Daniel the sweater to him holding a knife to her throat, to her crying in Harry's arms, unable to breathe.

She didn't remember passing out, but it all made sense now.

It didn't stop her from panicking in any way though; it only made it worse. She had never been so scared in her life, and never been so sure she was going to die.

A quiet sob left her lips as she looked around her as much as she could with the pain in her throat. She couldn't be alone in here, not after what had happened. She needed to see someone.

She needed to see Harry.

Her hand were shaking and her chest was getting tighter with every breath, as her panicked state wasn't a good combination with the pain she was feeling.

Just as she contemplated pulling the IV off her hand to try and find someone, she heard footsteps approaching the room, and Harry's voice just a second later.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't give a fuck?! Liv is more important right now. So if you don't mind, I'll-"

He was quiet for a moment, probably because the person he seemed to be on the phone with right now cut him off. She wondered who he was talking to.

"She almost fucking died! So I don't give a fuck about the rest, okay?!" she heard him yell after letting the person speak for a little less than three seconds. "I'm gonna go back to check on her and I'll call you back once I know she's alright."

She knew he hung up without letting the person on the other line speak, because she heard him groan in frustration right after he yelled and mumble some things under his breath.

Although she was still shaking and in pain and a tear was still running down her cheek, she was focused on him now. She watched the door closely and saw how the door handle was slowly moving down. The door didn't open yet, though, as another person walked past Liv's room, catching Harry's attention.

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