chapter 22

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"Woah, calm down. The doctor said you have to take it slow for your heart."

Liv rolled her eyes and just pressed her lips on Harry's again, continuing to kiss him like she had done for the past five minutes.

It was eleven in the morning and Liv was finally out of the hospital after spending a long night there. She hadn't slept much, despite how exhausted she was. She was still in too much pain and thoughts about Daniel kept popping up in her head, making it impossible for her to fall asleep.

Her mum had stayed with her all night, but Harry kept his promise and arrived at the hospital first thing in the morning; at seven. The three of them had spent some time together in the room just talking, before Harry had offered to drive both of them home.

Liv's mum was very pleased with his offer, as she had came to the hospital by taxi. Liv could tell how much her mum started to actually adore Harry; it was mainly her who had talked to him for a few hours, while Liv just listened and did small naps. 

Harry's intention was to drop both Liv and her mum off at their own house, but Liv insisted on staying with Harry. He was suspended from work for at least a week anyway, no surprise, so she knew she'd want to go and see him after an hour anyway.

So Harry drove her to his home and before she knew it, Liv was sat on top of the kitchen table, her legs wrapped around Harry's waist who was standing in front of her, as they were making out like they hadn't seen each other in months. 

She barely even remembered how she ended up on top of the table; their kiss started gentle, but after just a minute they couldn't hold themselves back anymore. Harry had guided her through the living room slowly as they were roughly making out, pushing her against the wall every now and then. Eventually, he had sat her down on the kitchen table as if it was nothing. 

Something about it all made her legs weak. And although Liv knew Harry was joking when he mentioned her weak heart, she did wonder if it really wouldn't hurt her. Because her heart was pounding so much, she felt dizzy.

Harry smirked in the kiss when she kissed him back forefully, and he just let her take some control before his teeth were grazing over her bottom lip again, biting it before pulling it a little.

She whimpered, like she always did whenever he did that. She knew that was the reason he did it; by the smirk on his face, she could tell he loved it when she whimpered for him.

"Too much for you?" he asked with an amused grin on his face. His lips were still gently brushing over hers as he spoke, causing Liv to move forward a little as an attempt to kiss him again. Harry moved back to tease her, his smirk only growing bigger.

"Shut up," Liv groaned, trying to kiss him again but failing for the second time.

Harry gasped at her words, acting offended. He put his hand on his heart in the act, before he slowly leaned back in to make his lips brush over hers again, his hand on top of her thigh, fingers digging into it. 

"Watch what you say to me," he said, his voice low.

Although Liv felt her whole body going weak and her heart was pounding so hard she could hear it in her ears, she still managed to play it off with a smirk.

"Or what?"

"You'll know about it."

Liv didn't have time to process his words, as his lips crashed on hers again with more force than before. His hand was still gripping her thigh while the other was on her face to keep her steady.

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