chapter 18

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He was racing through the streets of town, his jaws clenched and his fists clenched around the steering wheel. She had never seen him like this; yes, she had seen him mad before, but something had changed in his eyes. They were almost spitting fire.

She was holding onto the passenger chair tightly, tears burning in her eyes. She didn't even want him to find Daniel; she didn't even want to see Daniel again. All she wanted when she asked to see Harry, was for him to comfort her while they'd come up with a solution together.

But she didn't want to admit to him that she just wanted comfort; it'd make her feel too vulnerable. So all she could do was sit next to him with her lips pressed together as she watched how he was dangerously driving through town, swearing things under his breath.

"Do you know where else he could be?" Harry asked her through his teeth as he sped out of a street after another failed attempt of finding Daniel there.

Liv shook her head, biting her lip. She did know a few places, but she was praying Harry wouldn't go past them.

"Think, Liv!" he told her, his loud voice making her jump a little. She squeezed her eyes closed as she turned her head away from him, trying to force her tears not to escape her eyes.

Finally, when he ignored yet another traffic light and swore at someone who honked at him, Liv mumbled "I want to get out."

She knew Harry didn't hear her, or maybe didn't process what she said, so she repeated herself, a little louder.

"I want to get out."

This time, Harry turned his head towards her for a moment and confusedly hummed "Hmm?"

"Stop the car," she said, yet again a little louder than before. She knew he heard her perfectly fine now, and when she looked at him for a second, she saw a frown on his face.

"What? Why..."

He was still speeding, but it was scaring her even more now because he was mainly paying attention to her, and less to the road.

Gripping the side of her chair tightly, Liv yelled "Stop the fucking car!"

To her surprise, Harry immediately slowed down and he quickly drove into a street to stop it at the side of the road. His eyes were wide as he looked at her, and he reached out to touch her leg, but Liv moved away.

"What's up, Liv?" he asked her confusedly, a frown forming on his face when he finally noticed the tears that had been shining in her eyes ever since she got into the car with him. Ever since she was in the waiting room with him, even.

"I'm getting out," she just said, unbuckling herself with shaking hands as a tear fell down on her pants. Before she could even open the door, Harry laid his hand on her thigh to stop her.

"Why? What happened?"

Her bottom lip was quivering insanely when she turned her head to look at him, and she saw how Harry's eyes followed the tear that was slowly rolling down her cheek, before he looked back up again with a worried look.

She took a second to speak, as she was trying to breathe in deeply which didn't go so well as she was trying hard not to sob.

"I just wanted to... I didn't want you to go and find him," she told him as she looked down now, staring at his hand that was on her thigh. She so desperately wanted to grab his hand and hold it right now, because she knew how safe it made her feel. But instead she just sat still.

"Why not? He can't just get away with this," Harry said, and she just knew he was frowning by the way he spoke, sounding utterly confused. She still didn't look up at him though, even when he moved his hand from her thigh to her arm, probably to get her attention.

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