chapter 33

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Liv turned to look down at Harry who was laid next to her in bed, the blanket pulled up to his chin. He had been fast asleep for the past hour, while Liv sat next to him with her back against her pillow, just silently crying.

She had been crying ever since Harry had fallen asleep. The thought that Harry wouldn't be in pain and wouldn't have been drugged if it wasn't for her just wouldn't leave her mind. It drove her insane.

She managed to hide her tears from him by quickly rubbing her eyes, though, and shot him a small smile.

Harry returned the smile, closing his eyes as he did so as he was probably still half asleep.

"Why aren't you sleeping, angel?" he asked her with his voice raspy, barely louder than a whisper.

Liv chuckled softly. "Angel? That's new."

Harry's smile grew a little more and he slowly pulled the blanket away his chin to push himself up, leaning on his elbows.

"You called me honey, so I obviously have to outdo that now."

So he still remembered.

It immediately made Liv wonder if he remembered more of that night, but she knew she shouldn't ask him about it now. He only just woke up, and he looked too tired to be asked any difficult questions. 

Liv just playfully rolled her eyes at his words and asked "Why aren't you sleeping?"

The dozy smile on Harry's face dropped and he slowly moved his hand towards his cheekbone, where one of his biggest cuts was.

"The pain woke me up, I think," he said, flinching a little when his finger touched the cut. Liv quickly pulled his hand away from his face and pushed the blanket off her legs, swinging them over the side of the bed.

"Stay here and don't touch your face. I'll get you something for the pain."

Harry didn't say anything as Liv stood up and made her way to the bathroom to get him water and some pills. When she came back thirty seconds later, Harry was sat up straight, his back against the headboard. Liv sighed when she noticed how he was brushing his fingers over every single cut and bruise on his face.

"What did I tell you?" she told him sternly as she quickly made her way over to the bed and moved his hand back down to his lap.

"It just feels weird," Harry mumbled, shrugging. He immediately moved his hand to touch his face again, but Liv stopped him.

"Harry," she warned him, a lot firmer this time. She squeezed his hand a little as she shot him a deep frown.

A somewhat cocky smile was now growing around Harry's lips. "You know I don't listen."

Liv just rolled her eyes, biting her bottom lip to try and hide the smile that was growing on her face too. "You're getting cocky again. I'm glad the old you is slowly coming back."

"Do you not like me when I'm on drugs?" Harry asked her with his eyes big, acting offended. Liv just rolled her eyes a second time and handed him the glass of water as she held her hand open in front of him to show him the pills.

"Just take these already."

Harry did take the glass from her, but instead of taking the pills out of her hand as well, he just frowned at her and stated "You've been crying."

Liv couldn't help but be a little caught off guard by his statement, but she quickly shook her head before moving her hand a little closer to his face as a way to tell him to take the pills from her. Harry still didn't, and just continued frowning as his eyes scanned over her face, almost making her uncomfortable, especially because she knew how good he was at reading her.

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