chapter 20

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For anyone that's reading as I'm updating, I changed the name of the story to Smoke Me Love because I thought it fits the story better :) I'm sorry if any updates are ever confusing.


"So..." Harry moved the little microphone in Liv's sweater one more time and took a step back to check if he could see it. He nodded satisfied when he couldn't, and stepped back towards Liv, only to stand really close to her this time, and said "Can you hear this, Ruth?"

Liv was sitting in the backseat of Harry's car, her legs dangling out the open door as she was turned towards Harry. It was a little before three in the afternoon, and they were going over the last few things while waiting in the car that Harry had parked closely to Liv and Daniel's usual smoking spot.

Both Harry and Ruth were wearing a bulletproof vest underneath their clothes, which Liv thought was a bit extreme but it apparently was part of the protocol when attempting to arrest someone.

Harry and Liv both looked over at Ruth who nodded and gave them a thumbs up, gesturing that the microphone was working fine.

"Alright," Harry breathed out, crouching down in front of Liv and placing his hands on her knees. "Are you ready?"

Liv shrugged, her hands laid in her lap as she nervously played with her fingers, her eyes landing on the spot she'd meet Daniel at every few seconds.

"I'll be right here," Harry told her before he turned his head and nodded when he could still see the spot from where he was. It wasn't completely visible due to the trees that were in the way, but Liv knew where to stand to make sure Harry could see her well enough.

"I'll be there in a second if anything goes wrong."

He had told her that a few times now, but it didn't make her less nervous. Daniel was unpredictable and although he just wanted to talk to her for a minute, she had no idea what he was going to do or say to her.

Harry gently rubbed his hands up and down her thighs, squeezing them a little bit. "Do you remember what to say to him?"

"Yeah," Liv breathed out, still looking down at her fingers. Harry saw what she was doing and gently moved his hands to hers, intertwining their fingers.

"Do you wanna go over it again?" he asked, but Liv shook her head. She knew that if she stuck too much to a script, she'd mess it up. Daniel would be able to tell she was acting different. He had been her boyfriend for a few months after all.

"Alright," Harry nodded as he squeezed her hands a little, their fingers still intertwined, before he let go.  She could tell he wanted to say and do much more than what he did now, knowing how nervous she was, but he couldn't as Ruth could hear them and was probably looking at them as well through the rear view mirror.

Liv breathed in sharply and put her hands on the chair,  as a sign to Harry that she was about to get up. He took a step back to give her the space to jump out of the car, and looked at her sweater one more last time to double check the microphone.

Liv looked at the time on her phone. Two minutes to three. She knew she could best just go there before Daniel would be looking around as he waited for her, possibly seeing her in the car with Harry and Ruth.

"I'll go now," she told Harry, who just nodded and looked over at Ruth shortly before looking back at her, just to stroke her arm once. She knew he didn't want his colleagues to find out about them being a little more than friends, but he seemed to care extra when it came to Ruth. She wondered if it was just because she was his work partner and she'd just find out really easily, or if it had another reason.

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