chapter 29

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It was strange how things were the exact opposite as they were just a day before.

Liv wasn't crying anymore; in fact, her head was calmer than it had ever been in the past three weeks. She was barely feeling any guilt anymore; whatever she felt right now, was mainly anger and hatred towards Harry.

On top of that, it was now Harry who had been trying to call her, instead of the other way around. He had called her at least five times, even leaving a voice message that Liv had deleted right away.

Liv had immediately told her mum what happened as soon as she picked her up from the police station, and her mum had never taken as much care of Liv as she did now. Liv honestly loved the way her mum allowed her to talk badly about Harry without getting told to behave.

"Liv? Are you awake?"

Liv looked up from her phone that she had been scrolling on while sitting in bed for the past hour. She smiled when she saw her mum in the doorway, a cup of tea in her hands.

"Been up for a while," she told her mum, who smiled back at her and walked over to her bed to put the cup of tea down on her nightstand.

"Did you sleep well? Any dreams about punching him in the face?"

Liv chuckled as she shook her head. "I wish. That would've probably made me feel a lot better."

Her mum hummed in agreement before her eyes fell on the window next to Liv's bed, and she just stared at it in silence for a few seconds. Just as Liv wanted to turn around and see what her mum was looking at, her mum almost carefully said "You might want to open the blinds."

Liv frowned a little in confusion, scanning her eyes over her mum's face to try and read her for a second before turning around slowly and pushing her blanket away to make her way to the other side of the bed.

"Why..." she whispered to herself as she reached out for the blinds and tugged them a little so they would open. Her question was answered as soon as her eyes adjusted to the bright light and she looked down just to see Harry stand right underneath her window, flowers in his hands.

He was leaning against the wall, one leg crossed over the other. He was gently brushing his fingers over one of the flowers, looking down at them absently.

He was wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie with the hood sat on his messy hair, which was surprising as it was a work day and he'd normally be walking around in his suit, if he wasn't in the office already.

"Oh what the fuck," Liv muttered, her eyes widening in shock and surprise as she crawled back so she'd be out of sight. Her head snapped back at her mum.

"How long has he been standing there?"

Her mum chuckled softly at Liv's reaction before she shrugged. "At least thirty minutes, I think. It's why I came up to check if you were awake."

Liv's head turned towards the window again before she looked back at her mum. "Did he say anything to you? Did you try sending him away?"

"I don't think he's seen me yet. He's only been looking up at your window."

Liv groaned in annoyance, burying her face in her hands for a moment as she was trying to figure out what to do. She wanted Harry to go away, but she didn't want to face him. She didn't even want her mum to face him, because he was just going to be overly polite and sweet to her until she'd let him in. She knew her mum; she'd let the worst person in her house as long as that person was polite to her.

"What the fuck do I do?" Liv asked her mum as she moved her hands away from her face, her eyes big. "Tell him to fuck off?"

Her mum shrugged again. "I don't know, Liv. It's your ex, I'm not gonna do the talking for you."

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