chapter 8

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It was late by the time she was laid in bed. She was in the guest room this time, instead of on the couch. It was much more comfortable laying in an actual bed, and they both agreed she was calm enough to sleep alone.

She kept a night light on though, just because it was a room she didn't know.

Before she went to sleep, she had made the room a little more hers by putting her clothes in the closet in the corner. Harry had told her to do it, as he almost demanded her to stay at his house for at least a few days.

Until she found something better.

Despite the night light and how calm she was when she was ready for bed, she felt like it was a mistake sleeping in this room more and more. The longer she was just laid in the silence, the more paranoid she got.

She knew weed made her paranoid sometimes; she had restless nights often after smoking. But being in a foreign room made it a lot worse.

It started with her hearing voices that weren't actually there. She managed to tell herself they weren't real though. But once she started seeing people in the dark corners of the room too, she slowly started freaking out.

She tried to tell herself nothing was real over and over again, but it didn't work anymore.

Sat with her back pressed against the pillow, she just stared at the corner of the room as her chest got tighter every second. She wanted to scream for help, but she was just frozen in her spot as it felt like the shadow was coming closer and closer.

She knew she could scream, but she didn't want to wake Harry up. She knew he went to bed late too because of her and she was terrified he'd regret taking her in if she woke him up like this.

So for way too long, Liv just tried to deal with it herself. But the more she tried to rub her eyes to make it go away or to take deep breaths to stop herself from freaking out, the worse it got.

When she finally got to the point where she felt like she was going to pass out from not being able to breathe and from how much she was shaking, she jumped out of bed and rushed out of the room to go to Harry's.

Her legs felt like jelly and her hands were tingling as she opened Harry's bedroom door. Although her head was a mess, she still hesitated to wake him up once he saw how deep he was sleeping.

So instead of doing something, she just stood in the doorway, hyperventilating and crying as she was watching him sleep.

Although he had been sleeping deep, her noises caused Harry to wake up quickly and look over at her. When he realised it was her, he turned the lights on and sat up.

"Liv," he said, his voice raspy and deep from just waking up. He moved to the edge of the bed, pushing the blankets off him to stand up, but Liv walked over to him before he could.

"I'm sorry," Liv managed to breathe out, but Harry shook his head as he opened his arms for her. He wasn't wearing a t shirt; just a pair of pyjama pants. But as soon as her skin touched his bare skin, she could feel how warm he was.

"Don't talk," he told her, stroking her hair out of her face. She only had her head pressed against his chest for five seconds before he pushed her off him just a little bit so he could look at her instead.

"Breathe, Liv."

She tried, but let out a frustrated sob when she couldn't. It made Harry grab one of her hands and move it to her chest.

"Feel your heartbeat?" he asked her, and she nodded. Where she normally avoided eye contact with him as much as she could, she didn't look away from him once now. She watched him as he breathed in and out slowly, to try and make her do the same.

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